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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jun 25, 2021
MSG Human Resources Specialist
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Responses: 3
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
I've survived 3 sexual assaults with the latest just under 2 years ago.
MSG Human Resources Specialist
MSG (Join to see)
3 y
I am sorry to hear that. Have you been able to get the resources you need/want? Please send me a private message if you'd like more information/support.
SGT Air Defense Radar Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
MSG (Join to see) - Thank you MSG for you concern but until there is a leadership/cultural change at the top and throughout the VA healthcare system the Transgender Veteran will never receive the care they earned.

So unless you can get me a meeting with VA Secretary Denis R. McDonough's so he can hear first hand how Transgender Veterans are treated withing the VA I doubt anything will ever change.
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SMSgt Bob W.
In hiring a person, I have one rule can the person do the job. If they can, great. If they can't, bye. I've been part of one lawsuit on discrimination. The decision was in the company's favor. Bottom Line: Give everyone a chance, but provide them with expectations to success.
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PFC Joseph Cuschieri
We stand in defense of our nation, our flag and our constitution. We swore an oath. This delusional drivel only serves our enemies. Words are NOT attacking or violence. You people need to get over yourselves. Take you commie bullshit and get the fuck off the line.
MSG Human Resources Specialist
MSG (Join to see)
3 y
When we were children, there was a saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". That statement is quite inaccurate. When words are put in a particular context,they can be quite damaging. Broken bones heal within a relatively short time frame (6-8 weeks). But an individual who is told that they are stupid/fat/ugly/worthless/etc. take much longer to heal (months, years, or never). I was once told that for every negative comment someone hears, they need to hear 10 positive affirmations to cancel it.

I am not a communist or anything else that people may assume. I love learning and sharing some of that knowledge with others.

Take care and thank you for sharing your point of view.
PFC Joseph Cuschieri
PFC Joseph Cuschieri
3 y
MSG (Join to see) sounds like you're a snowflake. If you are called fat, lose weight, exercise or accept you will be called fat. If you're ugly stop doing those things that make you look ugly or accept that people will be calling you ugly. If you are called stupid, stop doing or saying stupid things or accept that some people will be calling you stupid. If you are called worthless then be productive and create value in what you do or accept that people will recognize you stupid, ugly, fat and laziness as worthlessness.

If you wish to make illegal or a fireable offense the spoken word or opinions of everyone - against freedom and the right to freely express one's thoughts - then you prefer social control over the hearts and minds of people. This makes you a socialist. The only question remains... are you a fascist socialist supporting the dictates of those in command above you or you believe your power entitles you and those like you to demand common order as a socialist, communist?

Mama, this post was a declaration of your position as a communist.
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