Posted on Jun 7, 2014
SSG Clinical Pastoral Division Ncoic
If female Soldiers are permitted to wear a formal dress at their unit military ball, shouldn't male Soldiers be allowed to wear a formal Tux. Or should there not be the option and require both male and female Soldiers to wear the ASU. I have seen it both ways. I don't mind female Soldiers wearing dresses, but the NCO in me says all Soldiers should be treated the same as much as possible.
Posted in these groups: Militaryball 8198 t Military Ball
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Responses: 48
SSG V. Michelle Woods
I asked CSM McCloud if we ladies could wear dresses to the last unit ball. He said no because Soldiers are Soldiers.

I replied with "well then CSM, why can't I go to Ranger School?"

NO! I'll wear a dress and bring a military date. He can wear the uniform.

Y'all have Ranger School, we have dresses lol. That's fair!
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Wow, shit's getting real and a pissing contest is about to ensue! lol
I personally think as a female wear your uniform for the military ceremony part, and then if cool with command and if you desire then change.

I've been out a while, but does the ASUs have a skirt option for females like the Class A's? If the ASUs had a skirt, then to me it would be fine. Just my two cents.
MAJ Labor And Delivery Nurse
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes the ASUs have a skirt but I prefer to wear a dress to formals now for the dinning in yes we all should wear our dress uniforms. We had formal holiday balls at Fort Riley and when females were made to wear their uniforms ticket sales were very poor doubled the first year they allowed formal atire but had to be tasteful no short skirts and no low cut dresses. CSM fic dress code.
SSG V. Michelle Woods
SSG V. Michelle Woods
>1 y
Doctors also give us a different physical examination SPC(P) Jay're right, this could go on all day :)

I believe in the end, however, we'd conclude that men and women are physically different.
SFC James Welch
SFC James Welch
3 y
Apparently you can apply for Ranger School, two female Officers are now Rangers. Be all you can be! You are a Soldier first forget about the dresses!
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
Ran into this many times over the years. My response has always been that, if you attend the ball/event as a soldier/member of the unit, you will wear a uniform. If you attend the ball/event as a spouse or date of a military member, you can wear civilian attire.
CW3 Network Management Technician
CW3 (Join to see)
9 y
what if you and your spouse are in the same unit? The army uniform for men closely matches what any man would wear formally; the female uniform does not come off as anything formal nor does it showcase awards the way the male uniform does. Army regs basically say to make your best effort to arrange your decorations so as to comply with your unique form. Ridiculous. I do not mean to be flippant, I just believe that one day we should recognize and celebrate our differences; we are better because of them and worse when we pretend to be playing on the same field. Equal but different should be our motto. And our uniforms should reflect this, rather than the half hearted, and often misguided attempts at equality. for example; our protective armor, why not use the female version police officers use. I mean why would anyone think using furniture upholstery for our dress uniform be anything but ill fitting
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
9 y
CW3 (Join to see)

CW3 Atmore, I understand what you are saying about the female uniform, but, it is a uniform, not a gown. I have seen female military members look quite elegant in their formal uniforms. I have no expertise to comment on the issues with female uniforms and the female anatomy, although I have heard several complaints about it.

What if you and your spouse are in the same unit? In that situation, my answer remains the same. Members of the unit having the event should be in uniform. Does not matter if they are a married couple. If a military member attends a unit function that dictates a uniform requirement, that should be the uniform for all unit members, regardless of gender.
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
My husband and I are both in the service but different branch. I have a military ball next week and I am allowed to wear a dress due to pregnancy. I'm just curious ,if my husband is allowed to wear his own service uniform or he has to wear a civilian formal attire?
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) - SPC (Join to see) - SPC Sierra -- First, congratulations on your pregnancy. It is always appropriate for a military member to wear his/her service uniform to military occasions and I would encourage it. He may certainly wear civilian attire, if he prefers, but wearing his military uniform is certainly appropriate (and, most likely, preferred).

I hope you both have a wonderful time.
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CPT Customer Service
I think the bigger concern is what is appropriate for a military ball. Too many times I have gone to a military ball and everyones all dolled up and there is one lady with her lady parts hanging out. Lady parts should be kept hidden lol. Not that a little modest cleavage is bad. But slits up to your lower parts and cleavage from mars. C'mon.

Not to mention color. Is bright ass pink appropriate for a military ball? In my opinion.. No. Keep the teenage clothing at home. Buy something made for adults.

Prime example, our military ball for ROTC we had a cadet show up with a coral dress that was made for a teenager. Saw so much boob I wanted to punch her in the face.

Also, how do we determine length? I think the word 'BALL' leans to a more ball gown... Gowns are normally long are they not?

Never ending issues.

There is always going to be that one male that doesnt want to wear his monkey suit, some female who would rather wear hers than put on a gown and then there are the goons that dont know how to dress conservatively for a military function.

Put your goods away... I dont need to see them.

Rant over.
CPT Customer Service
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Drives me nuts. I have found that since working in an ROTC office for the summer as a 2LT I have had the 'privilege' of talking to young cadets, future officers of their wear and appearance in and out of uniform or in military functions. It saddens me to see so many young potential leaders have so little respect for themselves and the military. Too often soldiers in general forget that they need to carry their professional appearance into their civilian life. This meaning dressing appropriately, holding themselves to a higher standard than other.

Irks me... Some days I just want to face palm every cadet that walks into my office with a super low shirt and asks 'Ma'am is this appropriate for PT' or shows me a dress with butt falling out...

I have responded 'If you need to ask me whether it is appropriate to come to a military function with half your ass hanging out, I think we have bigger issues.'
MAJ Defense Foreign Liaison Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Sooooo much aggression... LOL
CPT Customer Service
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
Inner NCO busts out every now and again...
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
>1 y
"...punch her in the face." FOR THE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!
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