Posted on Sep 15, 2015
SGT Kristin Wiley
I have been looking at using a different medical insurance plan because the military treatment facility I have been getting seen at has straight up refused to consider other possibilities for some of my medical symptoms. Instead of continuing to be a guinea pig for medications that don't work, I'd rather get an outside opinion. That's when I stumbled upon this on the Tricare website. Located here:

So active duty aren't authorized to use any other health insurance? What happened to America, the land of the FREE! I feel like my freedoms have been stripped away and the more I look into the less freedom I actually have. Does anyone know if the Tricare website is accurate in this regards? It seems ridiculous that I should be forced to accept sub-standard care.
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Responses: 9
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGT Kristin Wiley you need to keep getting in their asses. Demand a second opinion or get a different PCM. If that doesn't work go to the hospital administration. They all have patient advocates. If that doesn't work go through your CoC and the hospital CoC. It can be a bitch but it does work. I have had to do it myself.
SGT Kristin Wiley
SGT Kristin Wiley
9 y
I've had 3 different PCMs. I've been to patient advocacy, who was unwilling to do anything, and my chain of command is not supportive. If anything my CoC has used my medical issues against me.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
9 y
SGT Kristin Wiley - At last resort you can go to the IG.
PO2 Corey Ferretti
PO2 Corey Ferretti
9 y
Wow never knew that. What comes to mind is squeeze wheel gets the grease. I don't understand how people have issues getting transfered to a civilian doctor. I guess I was lucky and was stationed in the middle of no where so they had to had to send you out.
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MAJ Security Cooperation Planner
You can't use Tricare AND another health plan as Active Duty. If you are seeing a civilian provider and paying for your own plan, nothing to stop you.
SGT Kristin Wiley
SGT Kristin Wiley
9 y
MAJ (Join to see) I believe that should be the policy, but as you can see on the Tricare website it says I can't use other health insurance. Maybe I'm understanding it wrong, but if I am then Tricare needs to clarify what they put on their site.
MAJ Security Cooperation Planner
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
You can't use Tricare and something else. If you are not at a military facility, and do not use Tricare, then Tricare rules do not apply. Your treatment facility could have your commander order you not to go outside the MTF system, but only if it comes up.

There were lots of people seeking outside TBI and Mental Health treatment when I was at Carson.
SGT Kristin Wiley
SGT Kristin Wiley
9 y
MAJ (Join to see) Then why doesn't the Tricare website say that instead of what I posted above. You would think they'd say something more reasonable like "Active duty service members are not authorized to use other health insurance with Tricare." Or something along those lines.
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TSgt David L.
Edited 9 y ago
Unfortunately unless you can get a referral downtown there is no other option. I think it has always been that way SGT Kristin Wiley. Hopefully they can get this repealed so folks can seek alternatives.
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