University of Maryland, Baltimore

University of Maryland, Baltimore | RallyPoint

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SrA Kevin Panneton

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The University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) was founded in 1807. Today, this 71-acre research and technology complex encompasses 65 buildings in West Baltimore near the Inner Harbor. UMB is Maryland's only public health, law, and human services university. Seven professional and graduate schools train the majority of the state's physicians, graduate nurses, dentists, lawyers, social workers, and pharmacists. UMB is comprised of the following professional schools: School of Medicine (founded in 1807); School of Law (founded in 1816); Dental School (founded 1840); School of Pharmacy (founded 1841); School of Nursing (founded 1889); Graduate School (founded 1917); School of Social Work (founded 1961).
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Why study here

Why should you want to study at this school?

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Veteran friendly programs

How school supports veteran continued education.

Most recent contributors: SrA Kevin Panneton

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