SCPO Mark Kane

SCPO Mark Kane

Dates of Service: no date specified
39% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 499
75,192 out of 864,902 Veterans
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  • SCPO Apr 08

Recent Activity  -


(1 year, 6 months)
Jun 2011 - Jul 2011
Peace Keeping Operations training deployment, KQ-11. Taught Mongolians, Koreans, Indians, Cambodians and US Marines "Emergency First Aid Procedures".
Aug 2005 - Oct 2005
CMAC Cambodia Mine Awareness Corps Operation.
Apr 2002 - Nov 2002
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
JPAC, POW/MIA Mission. Repatriated HM3 Manuel Denton and LCPL Reyes remains from DaNang Vietnam. Honored to have participated in this mission
Apr 1992 - Aug 1992
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
POW/MIA Operation with JTF-FA. Searched for remains of pilot , copilot from OV-10 bronco crash in Meekong Delta