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Influence Score: 4,772
1,303 out of 214,937 Civilians
About Discussions

Recent Activity  -


I am a pre-doctoral intern. I hold postgraduate degrees in English, History, and Psychology, and I am currently pursuing my doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I am involved with various non-profit organizations. Service is important to me - in 2014 I inaugurated the Dorothea Dix Award, allowing those who have suffered illness a chance at recognition through the written word.



May 2016

Clinical hypnotherapist

Foreign Language Skills


Greek (5/5)


Academic Degrees

2014 - 2017

Sofia University

Master's Degree, Psychology

2011 - 2013

Exeter University

Master's Degree, History (Western Esotericism)

2004 - 2005

Latrobe University

Master's Degree, Professional Writing and Speech

1998 - 2001

Latrobe University

Bachelor's Degree, Behavioral Sciences

Personal Information
