MAJ Larry Richardson

MAJ Larry Richardson

Dates of Service: Jun 1962 - Sep 1982
15% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 357
107,599 out of 864,902 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PFC Jan 63
  • SPC May 64
  • SGT Nov 64
  • SSG Apr 66
  • 2LT Sep 70
  • 1LT Sep 71
  • CPT Sep 74
  • MAJ Sep 80
Commissioning Source:  -

Recent Activity  -


(13 years, 1 month)
May 1977 - Jun 1981
Commanded a battalion plus unit (675 soldiers), controlled the 2nd pair of launch codes for ICBMs in Western Europe, and was the Principle Engineer assigned to Engineer Division-Europe for Master Planning for all Western Europe Army installations.
Feb 1974 - May 1977
Ft. Gulick, Panama Canal Zone
Radio Engineer and Battalion Commo Officer. First as a Radio Engineer for Propaganda Broadcast in the SAF's 9th Psyops Bn, then SAF and 3/7th SFG(A) C-E Officer.
Apr 1972 - Sep 1972
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
Forward Support Platoon Leader providing secure communications support to MAC-V's First Regional Assistance Command Team 3 and CIA during the Quang Tri CounterOffensive. Base camp was Hue with outposts at LZ Sally, Houng Dien, Firebase T-Bone, and Phu Bai. Called in ArcLight missions for MAC-V and provided support for POW Rescue mission.
Jun 1971 - Apr 1972
Ft. Clayton, Panama Canal Zone
Radio Engineer and OIC, CINCSO TCC. Engineered RF links and commanded a 4-star general's nuclear attack-survivable integrated command center, SCIF, and two emergency location centers. Controlled the Alternate National Military Command Center (NMCC) for countering a Soviet nuclear attack on the United States as a 2LT.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Feb 1982

Army Test & Evaluation Command


Jul 2014

Spanish Linguist

Aug 1988

Master Engineer (NARTE)

Foreign Language Skills


Spanish (4+/4+)


Portuguese (Brazilian/European (4/4)


German (3/3)

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1984 - 1986

Webster University

Master's Degree, System Analysis & Design

1974 - 1979

State University of New York at Albany

Bachelor's Degree, Telecommunications & IT Engineering
