Cpl John Davis

Cpl John Davis

Dates of Service: Jun 2008 - Sep 2013
70% Complete
0 Endorsements
14 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,104
14,324 out of 863,500 Veterans
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  • Pvt Jun 08
  • PFC Sep 08
  • LCpl Mar 09
  • Cpl Jun 11

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I have experience in physical security, taught at the Marines’ Basic Security Guard School and proven onsite as a sentry guarding three Joint Chiefs of Staff. I was deployed twice as an Infantryman, once to Jordan and then again to Afghanistan. In every duty station that I was assigned, I was selected to be a leader of often times more senior peers.

Military Experiences

Sep 2010 - Sep 2013
I Co
Fire Team Leader
Deployed to the United Nation’s Peace Operation Training Center Three (POTC 3) and King Abdullah Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) near Amman, Jordan. See First Deployment
Feb 2012 - Dec 2012
D Co
Squad Leader
Volunteered to transfer to a sister unit to fill in for their deployment to Afghanistan. I had no previous experience in a combat zone, nor formal training as a rifle squad leader, however I took the initiative and learned as quickly as I could the intricacies of a billet traditionally reserved for more senior Marines. We took no casualties the entire deployment. Awarded a Certificate of Commendation as a Squad Leader, a Letter of Appreciation from the Commanding Officer, Camp Dwyer Base Defense, and a Letter of Recommendation from Platoon Commander.
Jul 2011 - Feb 2012
Ensured safety and controlled integrated, high tempo, live fire maneuver ranges while simultaneously coordinating multiple platoon, company, and battalion assets. Cross-trained and qualified to evaluate Key Leader Engagements, Simulated Casualties, Rifle Squads, Rocket Teams, 60mm Mortar Sections, Demolitions, COIN, Counter IED, Engineer Assets, and Sniper Teams. All requiring keen oral and written communication skills for debriefing and evaluation.
Mar 2009 - Sep 2010
Team Leader
Guarded Marine Barracks 8th and I, Washington, D.C., for 17 months. Provided Installation Security for three Joint Chiefs of Staff (General Amos, General Conway and Admiral Roughead). Force on Force, scenario based training with both blanks and Simunitions. Assigned as a Physical/Tactical Sentry, Team Leader, Alarm Control Center Sentry, Ceremonial Guard and Quick Reaction Force Augment, all of them at least twelve hour


(10 months)
Apr 2012 - Oct 2012
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Volunteered to deploy to Southern Helmand River Valley Afghanistan (OEF). Led over 75 integrated, mounted/dismounted patrols covering more than 250 square kilometers of IED-laden terrain through 11 separate Afghani Villages. Accountable for hundreds of thousands of dollars-worth of equipment, and managed assets indigenous to a Rifle Squad.
May 2011 - Jul 2011
Trained 15-man squads of Jordanian soldiers to deploy to Afghanistan with Infantry, Combat Lifesaver, and Physical Security skills at and above the billets that I held. Often worked alone or in charge of a fire team despite language barriers and without help from a linguistic specialist, which required initiative, problem solving and creativity.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2006 - 2008

Maranatha Christian Academy
