SFC Infantryman

SFC (Join to see)

Estimated PCS Date : (Join to see)
67% Complete
1 Endorsement
18 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,528
2,746 out of 51,264 E-7s
About Discussions


  • PVT Apr 04
  • PV2 Apr 04
  • PFC Apr 04
  • SPC Apr 06
  • SGT Apr 07
  • SSG Aug 09
  • SFC Feb 14


I am currently a Platoon Sergeant / Drill Sergeant for the Army's largest Fitness Training Company. We train soldiers who are either in the Physical Therapy Recovery Program or Army Physical Fitness Improvement Program. I was previously a DA Select Drill Sergeant and a Paratrooper with The 82nd Airborne Division. I plan to finish my degree program in Business and Marketing.