MSG Barbara Lawson

MSG Barbara Lawson

Dates of Service: no date specified
25% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 792
46,968 out of 863,502 Veterans
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Military Experiences

Jun 1977 - Jun 1981
Motor Transport Operator
Was motor transport operator, Co Cdr driver, Co clerk and Bn Cdr clerk. Attended a weapons qualification with our sister German unit. I fired German G3 rifle and machine gun. I qualified on both and earned the only Silver Schutzenschnur awarded that day. 4 Bronze Schutzenschnurs were also awarded. Attended PLC and was first female honor graduate in the history of the 8th ID NCO Academy in Baumholder, Germany. Became the first female instructor at that academy. Left Germany and active duty in June of 81. Joined Army Reserves and became a 91B, combat medic with the 256th General Hospital in Parma, Ohio. Left the 256th in 1986 and became an instructor with the 2077th USARF School. My primary instruction was NBC Defense. As an E8/MSG, I was offered an early out and left the military in 1999.
Jun 1977 - Jun 1981
64C Motor Transport Operator
Was motor transport operator, Co Cdr driver, Co clerk and Bn Cdr clerk. Attended a weapons qualification with our sister German unit. I fired German G3 rifle and machine gun. I qualified on both and earned the only Silver Schutzenschnur awarded that day. 4 Bronze Schutzenschnurs were also awarded. Attended PLC and was first female honor graduate in the history of the 8th ID NCO Academy in Baumholder, Germany. Became the first female instructor at that academy. Left Germany and active duty in June of 81. Joined Army Reserves and became a 91B, combat medic with the 256th General Hospital in Parma, Ohio. Left the 256th in 1986 and became an instructor with the 2077th USARF School. My primary instruction was NBC Defense. As an E8/MSG, I was offered an early out and left the military in 1999.