SGT Jeffrey Sygman

SGT Jeffrey Sygman

Dates of Service: no date specified
45% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 532
68,853 out of 863,508 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT 88

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Aug 1989 - Aug 1992
Served 1.5 yrs in PRANG then went IRR for remainder of enlistment.
Jan 1988 - Jul 1989
Order repair part for Motorpool and Aviation equipment. Attended and Graduated PLDC and promoted to E-5. Worked as assistant motor sgt. Flew on various training mission and repelled out of UH1H with training from Ranger Batallion. Was appointed as units UH1H M-60 door gunner for Headquarters Platton.
Jan 1986 - Jan 1988
PLL Clerk/ TAMMS Clerk
Order class 9 repair parts and maintained physical records both automated and manually. Conducted monthly inventories and assisted in the management of the motor-pool operations, equipment maintenance checks and services to ensure unit readiness for all equipment part and repairs.upport Physical Security Cross trained in physical security procedures and ops including roving patrols Back up alert force and was my platoons M-60 gunner Maintained highest level of fitness and basic soldier skills and was selected as only Non-MP personnel in he unit to represent the top Physical Security MP's in TACOPS Germany two years consecutively. Placing in the top 15 out of 45 teams. Recieved the Army Commendation during field grade inspection
Jul 1985 - Sep 1985
Squad Leader
Basic Training, Leadership role as a SQD LDR move troops, prepared troops for PT. Conducted PT