SSgt Kurk Prater

SSgt Kurk Prater

Dates of Service: no date specified
70% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 384
98,267 out of 863,685 Veterans
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  • AB
  • Amn
  • A1C
  • SrA
  • SSgt

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Since leaving the service (Every base I was ever on is now closed (Conspiracy?) ) I earned a degree in computer Programming and operations

Military Experiences

Oct 1977 - Feb 1981
Motor Pool Supply sgt
Base was my last assignment, soon afterwards I heard it also closed
Dec 1976 - Sep 1977
Supply Sergeant (S4)
Was part of the caretaker force when they closed the base to make a prison out of it Helped empty all the dorms and alert areas and every where else shipping all the equipment out to other bases
Jun 1975 - Dec 1976
Supply Sergeant (S4)
Loved the almost 2 years I spent in Athens, would have loved to spend more time my bucket list includes visiting the area again
Nov 1973 - Jun 1975
Strategic Air Command (SAC)
First Assignment
After a friend had orders to Greece and got out of the service, I changed my Dream Sheet to include Greece and voila, I got orders to Athens Greece (Hiracklion AB)


(1 year, 6 months)
Jun 1975 - Nov 1976
Hellenikon AB Greece
Hellenikon AB Athens Greece

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

Personal Information
