SP5 Edwin Golinski Lesperance

SP5 Edwin Golinski Lesperance

Dates of Service: Aug 1967 - Aug 1969
95% Complete
0 Endorsements
5 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,876
9,943 out of 863,502 Veterans
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  • PVT Aug 67
  • PV2 Oct 67
  • PFC Jan 68
  • SPC Mar 68
  • SP5 Jun 68

Recent Activity  -


Trained as 12A, arrived in Nam 1-68, sent to 4th ID, 4th Combat Engineers, served 2 months as company clerk

Military Experiences

Nov 1968 - Dec 1968
Demolition Specialist
Entered Laos as the second wave of Operation TOLLROAD. Created abitis to block road, cratered road, destroyed roadside bunkers, destroyed UXO.
Mar 1968 - Dec 1968
Mine sweeper
May 9: We started out on minesweep; we would sweep daily from Polei Kleng (LZ Bass) to the pontoon bridge over the Kontum river. After we crossed the stream outside of Polei Kleng, I saw a small ring-neck snake and picked it up. It bit me. Before this time, snakes of any kind never bit me. I thought this was a message that we may run into some trouble. Our mine detectors started breaking down. We only had 2 left. We were falling behind. They wanted to get the convoy through. The Sgt. told us, “One detector on each side of the road and take BIG STEPS!!!" I complained and he put me back in the last probe position. I looked down at the road, and just "knew" the detectors missed a mine. I called a halt to the sweep, I scraped the soil with my bayonet and uncovered a plastic mine.
Jan 1968 - Dec 1968
Demolition Specialist
Mine sweep, demolition operations.


(1 year, 1 month)
Jan 1968 - Jan 1969
Vietnam ribbon
Vietnam War
12B30 Combat Demolition Specialist, C., 4th Combat Engineer Bn., 3rd Brigade Task Force, 4th Infantry Division. Central Highlands, Vietnam. Pleiku, Bong Son, Tam Ky, Duc Pho, LZ Baldy, Dak To, Kontum, Polei Kleng, Laos.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Oct 1967 - Dec 1967

Combat Engineer AIT, Ft. Leonard Wood


Mar 1968

Demolition Specialist - 12B30

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

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