Nichole Ayres

Nichole Ayres

95% Complete
17 Contacts
Influence Score: 33,358
97 out of 214,930 Civilians
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As a licensed clinical social worker, my mission is to partner with service members, veterans and their families on their journey to live successful and fulfilling lives. I specialized in helping people heal the wounds of trauma and post-traumatic stress. As a military spouse, I am passionate about helping military families transition successfully with their service member.

International Experience

(2 years, 1 month)
Feb 2010 - Feb 2012
South korea
South Korea
I worked as the Lead Civilian Misconduct and Ration Control Coordinator for USFK Area 1. I was also tasked to establish the first Family Readiness Group for our unit on Camp Casey.



Certified Clinical Trauma Professional

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW)

Additional Role(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired

Personal Information
