SN Curt Benson

SN Curt Benson

Dates of Service: Feb 1966 - Jun 1968
54% Complete
1 Contact
Influence Score: 4,783
10,089 out of 863,670 Veterans
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  • SN Aug 67

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I forgot to add that in 1968 I took the PO3 Electrician Mate's exam, and passed, scoring 32, I believe for all tested, but I got out in June, so I didn't make the promotion.

Military Experiences

Feb 1966 - Jun 1968
Presidential Honor Guard
I was assigned to the Coast Guard Presidential Honor Guard out of boot camp . In my off duty time from the Honor Guard I would work on LORAN C Oscillators. Our original assignment was a year, I was there for two and a half years. I ended up in charge of the Drill Team. When I exited the Coast Guard, I became a Deputy Sheriff in Washington State for 25 1/2 years. I’m retired living in North Dakota.