LT Anthony Colby

LT Anthony Colby

Dates of Service: no date specified
33% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 50
267,627 out of 863,502 Veterans
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  • ENS
  • LTJG
  • LT
Commissioning Source:  -

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Graduation from Medical School at University of Iowa, 1964. Interned at Pierce Co Hospital, Tacoma, WA. Joined Navy and discovered I was attached to Marines. Spent my entire service career with Marine Units. Semper Fi. Returned to private practice in Iowa City, IA. Attended 'Famous' Iowa Writer's Workshop. Retired. Very active with writing, musical events, cats and friends.

Military Experiences

Jul 1965 - Jul 1967
Battalion Surgeon
Accompanied unit on combat missions. Occasionally did People to People with Corpsmen.


(2 years)
Aug 1967 - Jul 1969
Viet Nam-Camp Pendleton

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

BA, MD, MFA Creative Writing, Fellow, AAFP
