SPC EOTrees Myles

SPC EOTrees Myles

Dates of Service: May 1980 - May 1983
60% Complete
8 Contacts
Influence Score: 16,648
3,574 out of 863,490 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC Mar 83
  • SPC

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I am a 60 year old mature black veteran and I have three amazing children, 2 sons and 1 beautiful daughter, she's my ally, my ride and die bff. I also have 6 of the most and I mean most incredible grandbabies, three grandsons and three beautiful granddaughters and every last one is a diva in true form, I am so loved and so are they.

Military Experiences

Sep 1982 - May 1983
Supply Specialist (S4)
I supplied every unit with conductors to transformers , I filled out requisitions, to order parts for mechanical that is used by all battalions. I was also appointed a "special sargent" for one day to escort a female private on a plane because this was judical


(1 year, 3 months)
Mar 1982 - May 1983
Fairbanks alaska
I was the unit supply clerk. This experience gave me a chance to meet all types of people from around the world. This was my greatest experience in the military.

Military Credentials

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Personal Information

loving my children and giving solid guidance with much much love31ce836a ReadingWriting poetry logo Writing Poetry