SFC Eric Harmon

SFC Eric Harmon

Dates of Service: no date specified
97% Complete
16 Contacts
Influence Score: 81,989
966 out of 864,904 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG Dec 09
  • SFC Dec 17

Recent Activity  -


Retired Soldier with a fairly convoluted career. Started in 1984, regular Army Infantryman for 9 years. Took a 9 year break in service and returned to the Army National Guard. After a couple years as M-Day was picked up as AGR (Active Guard Reserve) and served until retirement with a total of 26 years. Served as an Artilleryman, Unit Administrator, Supply Sergeant, Training NCO, and retired as a Readiness NCO.

Military Experiences

Feb 2015 - Dec 2017
Feb 2013 - Feb 2015
Training NCO
Mar 1987 - Mar 1988


(2 years, 1 month)
Feb 2010 - Nov 2010
Camp Phoenix
Sep 2004 - Nov 2005
CSC Navistar

Military Credentials

Security Clearance
Prefer not to say