SP5 Susyn Stecchi

SP5 Susyn Stecchi

Dates of Service: no date specified
25% Complete
0 Endorsements
1 Contact
Influence Score: 289
129,337 out of 863,585 Veterans
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Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Dec 1979 - Dec 1985
203rd MI (TI)
Graphics Specialist and Still Photographer
Technical Intelligence Support Platoon at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Edgewater Arsenal and TDY all over the USA (Fort Irwin CA, Fort Huachuca AZ, Hanscom AFB MA, etc.).
Dec 1979 - Dec 1985
203rd MI (TI)
Graphics Specialist and Still Photographer
Technical Intelligence Support Platoon at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Edgewater Arsenal and TDY all over the USA (Fort Irwin CA, Fort Huachuca AZ, Hanscom AFB MA, etc.).
Dec 1979 - Dec 1985
203rd MI (TI)
Graphics Specialist and Still Photographer
Technical Intelligence Support Platoon at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Edgewater Arsenal and TDY all over the USA (Fort Irwin CA, Fort Huachuca AZ, Hanscom AFB MA, etc.).
Dec 1979 - Dec 1985
203rd MI (TI)
Graphics Specialist and Still Photographer
Technical Intelligence Support Platoon at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Edgewater Arsenal and TDY all over the USA (Fort Irwin CA, Fort Huachuca AZ, Hanscom AFB MA, etc.).