PO3 Ricardo Maduro

PO3 Ricardo Maduro

Dates of Service: no date specified
59% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 993
37,323 out of 863,496 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR May 88
  • SA
  • SN
  • PO3 May 90

Recent Activity  -


Dad, technology lover, athlete .. former elite back in the day, cycling :). Motorcycle and airplane lover. IT Professional over 30 years. Life long learner. Militantly liberal and always will be.

Military Experiences

May 1988 - May 1990
USS Tripoli (LPH-10)
ABH of V-1 Division. Ultimately a member of the Aviation Crash and Salvage unit on the flight deck.


(6 months)
Jun 1990
NAS Miramar
Member of VF-301 Devil's Disciples F-14 Reserve Squadron during my years as a Naval Sea College student at the University of Arizona. ABH member of the flight line crew.
Aug 1989 - Dec 1989
Western Pacific
Aviation Crash and Salvage crewman. V-1 Division USS Tripoli LPH-10

Military Credentials

Foreign Language Skills

Spanish (3+/3+)

Academic Degrees

Personal Information

Home Town
az state champion track cycling in two events in 98. national collegiate ranking in 200m sprint track cycling at collegiate nationals in 97.too many to list .. anything technology related ..anything on two wheels and racing said two wheels. competitive cyclist still. aviation just about anything. am a pilot but not current. love flying r/c aircraft. love haning with my kids.