SPC Matthew Neel

SPC Matthew Neel

Dates of Service: Mar 2005 - Mar 2011
56% Complete
0 Endorsements
11 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,495
12,954 out of 863,502 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC

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Ability to read and interpret Legal documents and enforce standards set forth in said documents Ability to accurately and effectively conduct and report on investigations of both criminal and civil nature providing articulated written reports and documentation of findings and evidence.

Military Experiences

Jul 2007 - Mar 2011
2-8 IN
Squad Leader
While in 2-8 IN I served as both a Fire Team Leader and a Squad Leader while re-establishing the unit after the move from Fort Hood to Fort Carson. Later I served in the scout platoon as the Lead Dismount and returned to the line upon my second deployment to Iraq.
Aug 2005 - Jun 2007
1-22 IN
Fire Team Leader
While assigned to 1-22 IN I served as the Battalion Executive Officer's driver as well as the Battalion Radio Telephone Operator. I later was moved from HHC to A Co where I was a Automatic Rifleman and alter a team leader before receiving orders to PCS.


(2 years, 1 month)
Sep 2008 - Aug 2009
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
While stationed at Fob Echo I was part of the element assigned to Force Protection and served guard shifts, worked the gates of the FOB and provided QRF support. Halfway through the deployment my unit was moved to Basrah where we worked with a MiTT Team as security and worked training the Iraqi Security Forces.
Dec 2005 - Dec 2006
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I began the deployment as the Battalion Radio Telephone Operator. I had to coordinate complicated missions and provide emergency support to ground units. Afterwards I moved to A Co where I became an Automatic Rifleman running combat Operations between Baghdad and Fallujah.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees