Vonice LarsenBailey

Vonice LarsenBailey

66% Complete
12 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,415
1,366 out of 214,934 Civilians
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Recent Activity  -

International Experience

(2 years, 8 months)
May 1990 - Dec 1992
NAF Procurement at Giessen and the Community Counseling at Freidberg Ray Barracks (Elvis' duty station) full-time volunteer through the Red Cross working with education and prevention of substance abuse. The Community Counseling Center was an attempt to lower the incidence of alcohol-related incidents and alcoholism within the Army.


Academic Degrees

2013 - 2016

Northcentral University

Master's Degree, Business Administration, Public Administration

1993 - 1996

Personal Information

education. educating others