SPC Cedar Bristol

SPC Cedar Bristol

Dates of Service: Mar 1993 - Jun 1997
38% Complete
0 Endorsements
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,834
22,288 out of 863,648 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC

Recent Activity  -


C# .Net SQL programmer for the past 6 years

Military Experiences

Apr 1996 - Apr 1997
Driver for Major Westhusing, and worked in the S3 shop
Aug 1995 - Jan 1996
2nd CR
I took the DLPT for French shortly after I got to Campbell hoping that would get me into some place where I could use the language skills. Nothing happened until January of 95, I was on a cleaning detail and got sent to G3 and orders were there for DLI. A 3 month course in Haitian Creole for French speakers with a variety of MOS in the class, I was the only 11B. The TDY assignment in Haiti was with the 2nd ACR in a camp that was called "War Eagle Base" and got renamed just before I left, a company of the 327 from Campbell was there too. I worked as an Interpreter on patrols, and between Djibouti officers and NCO's who spoke French and shared the camp with us.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jan 1995 - Apr 1995

Foreign Language Skills



French (3/3)
