Pvt Diane Pownall

Pvt Diane Pownall

Dates of Service: May 1980 - May 1984
62% Complete
9 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,928
15,007 out of 863,498 Veterans
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  • Pvt
  • PFC Aug 80
  • LCpl Oct 80
  • Cpl Mar 82
  • Pvt 1994

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Military Experiences

1994 - 1996
SeaBee SN
I can't find my exact dates of my service in the SeaBees, but I was a Reservist for several years. I loved it. I should have stayed in. I went to the Big Island, HI for one of my annual tours. I got to learn how to make a firewall. I really wanted to learn how to build. It was really fascinating. I had to leave because of family issues.
Jan 1982 - May 1984
3043, ADL/MIMMS Clerk
I was given a secondary mos, and went to Supply Admin as an ADL/MIMMS clerk. I ordered and received parts for Comm Support Company. I also kept track of orders and researched items on Microfiche.
Oct 1980 - Jan 1982
2531, Field Radio Operator
I operated Radios, did PM maintenance and Set up Antennas for radio communication. I cleaned and drove the M151A1 Jeep. I also fan fired M-2, 50 Cal. Machine gun. Expert with M16. In 1982, Operation RIMPAC, I was on Kahoolawe as a Field Radio Operator.