SPC Nicholas Cureton

SPC Nicholas Cureton

Dates of Service: Jan 2001 - Dec 2003
64% Complete
18 Contacts
Influence Score: 16,547
3,592 out of 863,572 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Jan 01
  • PV2 Jan 01
  • PFC Jan 01
  • SPC Aug 01

Recent Activity  -


I am disabled and am currently a stay at home dad. I run a small workshop, where do woodworking, blacksmithing and other odds and ends. I am apprenticing as a taxidermist, my way of furthering my education since I have a hard time attending traditional schooling. I have worked in the food industry (prior to military service), and construction. I have done flooring installation, i.e. carpet, tile, etc. I have done some finish carpentry as well.

Military Experiences

Jun 2001 - Dec 2004
1-325 IN
I acted as my primary role of Mortarman, Gunner, NBC NCO, Supply Sergeant, Driver, R&U,... the list goes on.


(5 months)
Feb 2002 - Jun 2002
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed to Iraq, B Company 1/325 AIR. Served as a motorman, NBC NCO and Driver.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools

Jun 2001 - Jul 2001

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Prefer not to say