Cpl Antonio Martinez

Cpl Antonio Martinez

Dates of Service: no date specified
50% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,710
12,344 out of 863,491 Veterans
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  • Pvt
  • PFC
  • LCpl
  • Cpl

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Tony began his law enforcement career serving as a Military Policeman in the U.S. Marines. He currently serves as a full-time commissioned police officer in the Tulsa Area and holds an advanced law enforcement certification as a peace officer. Tony also served as an Intelligence Interrogator in the US Army & Oklahoma National Guard. He is a former Correctional Officer- served honorably in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections. He was promoted to the rank of SGT/Shift Supervisor & served within many different security settings to include but not limited to: Death Row, High-max disciplinary unit, special needs unit, medium security and community corrections. He holds an excellent rating as a Spanish translator in his current position and also while serving in the intelligence corps. Tony also graduated from Southern Nazarene University with a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration.

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