CPT Brooke Carpenter

CPT Brooke Carpenter

Dates of Service: May 1989 - Apr 1996
56% Complete
22 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,770
22,877 out of 863,498 Veterans
About Discussions


  • 2LT May 89
  • 1LT May 91
  • CPT Aug 93
Commissioning Source:  USMA, May 1989

Recent Activity  -


Proven leader in both the military and civilian realms. Seeking to continually improve my engineering knowledge and leadership experiences. Dedicated to God, my family, my community, and my nation.

Military Experiences

Jul 1994 - Feb 1996
Company Commander
Commander of a combat heavy engineer company with mission to construct roads, airfields, and base camps in support of troop unit operations. Deployed to Operation Bright Star in Egypt.
Jul 1993 - Jul 1994
Battalion Personnel Officer (S1)
Was Battalion S-1 in support of 46th EN BN move to Fort Polk, LA.
Dec 1989 - Dec 1992
Platoon Leader
Platoon Leader in A, B, and C companies. Deployed to Desert Storm with C company.


(11 months)
Sep 1995 - Dec 1995
Commander of combat heavy engineer company in support of US/Egyptian joint training operations. Built base camp facilities for 24th ID brigade commanded by COL Paul Honore.
Dec 1990 - Jun 1991
Saudi Arabia
Combat engineer platoon leader attached to B Troop, 4/7 CAV, 3rd AD in support of combat operations into Iraq during Operation Desert Storm.

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1985 - 1989

United States Military Academy (USMA, West Point)

Bachelor's Degree, Civil Engineering

Personal Information
