SGT Thomas Heimel

SGT Thomas Heimel

Dates of Service: Feb 1989 - Apr 2016
85% Complete
0 Endorsements
44 Contacts
Influence Score: 9,101
6,198 out of 864,902 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Feb 89
  • PV2 Feb 90
  • PFC Feb 91
  • SPC Feb 92
  • PFC Oct 96
  • SPC May 98
  • SGT Feb 99

Recent Activity  -


I'm retired and looking for employment in Satellite Communications or a related field in the Minneapolis Saint Paul, MN area. I am open to opportunities that require travel.

Military Experiences

Aug 2011 - Apr 2016
596th SIG Co
Jan 2009 - Aug 2010
E Co
Assistant Shift Supervisor
Responsible for maintaining communications 100% up time and troubleshooting with distant ends when issues with getting their communications in or something happened that caused an outage. Reporting all downtimes and any other issues to higher headquarters and unit leaders.
Aug 2006 - Dec 2008
472nd SIG
Section Chief
Worked as a Training NCO, NETOPS, and in the mayors cell. lastly was responsible for a section of Soldiers on the JNN system.


(2 years, 8 months)
Apr 2007 - Jun 2008
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Spent the first half of the deployment at Camp Taji working in NETOPS. The second half was at Camp Warhorse where I worked in the Mayors Cell and was given the duties of maintaining the AFN feed. The last month was assigned to a JNN team.
Jan 2004 - Jan 2005
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Deployed as part of OIF II. Was stationed at Camp Anaconda, Balad but left for missions on Camp Diamondback, Mosul; BIAP; Camp Juliet, Karbala and Camp Baker, Najaf. Had run a few convoys to Babylon as well.
Sep 1999 - Dec 1999
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Was acting Squad leader for an infantry squad and deployed them as part of SFOR 6. Was squad leader up until the last two weeks of the missions when the Squad Leader finally arrived in country.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Foreign Language Skills


Security Clearance