PO1 Nick Lawlor

PO1 Nick Lawlor

Dates of Service: May 2000 - Aug 2010
73% Complete
0 Endorsements
67 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,175
11,261 out of 864,902 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR
  • SA
  • SN
  • PO3
  • PO2
  • PO1 May 08

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

May 2007 - Aug 2010
SERE Insturctor
Nov 2008 - Aug 2009
SERE Instructor
Attended Personnel Recovery courses.


(1 year, 11 months)
Sep 2006 - Mar 2007
Iraq ribbon
Dec 2004 - Jun 2005
Iraq ribbon
Aug 2001 - Apr 2002

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 2014 - Sep 2014

Federal Law enforcement Training Center

Aug 2001 - Oct 2001

Security Clearance
Top Secret

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees