SFC Steven Evans Sr, PhD

SFC Steven Evans Sr, PhD

Dates of Service: Jun 1989 - Jun 2009
47% Complete
35 Contacts
Influence Score: 3,193
13,994 out of 863,665 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2
  • PFC
  • SPC
  • SGT
  • SSG
  • SFC

Recent Activity  -


IT professional with varied skills in: project management, cyber security, information assurance, hardware and software procurement. College educator teaching business and IT courses. Leadership experiences in the Army, academia and federal government.

Military Experiences

Jul 2007 - Apr 2009
Operations NCO
Operations Specialist providing interpretations of official policy, regulations and guidance regarding boarding and commissioning Army Doctors, Nurses and other Medical Officers. Developed and used various electronic tools such as business intelligence to report organizational statues and performance to Brigade Commander.
Jun 2003 - Jul 2007
Publicly represented the US Army exhibiting a custom 18-wheeler valued at $2 million dollars at: colleges, high schools, national and local events within the US. Used educational videos and other educational orientated material to teach course length topics to spark interest. Maintained exemplary safety record while driving an 18-wheeler around condensed locations with large groups of people including high school parking lots, sidewalks, near buildings, parks and multiple surfaces in various weather conditions. Communicated the Army message.
Oct 2000 - May 2003
Guidance Counselor
Army Guidance Counselor interpreting Army regulations and guidelines to determine: moral, physical and mental qualifications of Army Recruits. Interpreted complicated situations and made decisions based upon regulatory guidance to enlist men and women into the US Army. Initiated various personnel investigative actions including: NACLC, SSBI, state, county and local court checks if applicable.
Oct 1997 - Oct 2000
Station Commander
Supervised and managed four Recruiters in a recruiting station. Increased Army Recruiting awareness and market share penetration in Richmond, CA. Led recruiting station to increasingly higher market share, individual recruiter success, recognition and overall credibility and respect for Army Recruiting in the Richmond, CA. Used rigorous training, analyzed strengths, weaknesses and threats to mission accomplishment and mitigated risks through establishing standards and gaining trust.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Oct 2000

Guidance Consoler Certification

Academic Degrees
