SPC William Treacy III

SPC William Treacy III

Dates of Service: Nov 2005 - Aug 2010
77% Complete
27 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,134
11,307 out of 863,498 Veterans
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  • SPC Apr 07

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After medically retiring from the military, I attended and graduated from the University of South Carolina Aiken. After graduation I continued supporting several VSO's by serving as a mentor for other veterans. I went through Salesforce's VetForce program and was hired January 2016. I am also currently attending Georgia Tech for my Master's Degree.

Military Experiences

2-321 FA
Platoon Medic
I was a platoon medic in support of a Field Artillery unit.


(1 year, 1 month)
Jan 2007 - Jan 2008
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
I was a medic for a Field Artillery platoon that was providing fire support on a Firebase in the Oruzgan Province of Afghanistan. I was injured after I fell from the top of a Humvee during a training exercise being conducted outside of the confines of our Firebase.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2016 - 2018

Georgia Institute of Technology

Master's Degree, MBA - Technology Innovation Management
