SPC Marcus Mayfield

SPC Marcus Mayfield

Dates of Service: Nov 2009 - Nov 2014
56% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 713
51,206 out of 863,490 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2 Nov 09
  • PFC Nov 10
  • SPC Oct 12

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

Jan 2011 - Nov 2014
334th SIG
Team Leader
As a 25N, I was responsible for setting up, operating, and maintaining the various components of my JNN. I also helped to set up the satellite terminal, generator, operations tent, and CP tent. By the time my active duty was nearly over, I was the de facto leader of my team.


(8 months)
Mar 2012 - Oct 2012
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
As a member of the BN S6, I was responsible for user account creation & management, as well as maintaining the switches & computers in the BN footprint. I was also responsible for the running of a BN MWR facility and I set up several file share servers for the use of the BN leadership.

Military Credentials

Security Clearance