PO1 Gene Barfield

PO1 Gene Barfield

Dates of Service: Jul 1976 - Dec 1986
77% Complete
45 Contacts
Influence Score: 15,983
3,692 out of 863,629 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR
  • SA
  • SN Jul 76
  • PO3 Feb 77
  • PO2 Feb 78
  • PO1 Jun 81

Recent Activity  -


Although retired I keep up with developments in historic preservation, my Master of Science field. I continue to be involved in a number of veterans organizations and advocate on behalf of my sisters and brothers who served. I'm very active in O.R.A.H, Operation Restore Advocate Heal, an advocacy for lgbt vets who were harassed, investigated and/or discharged due to our sexual orientation. In 1990 I became the first openly gay graduate in the history of Norwich University. They didn't even put my picture in the yearbook. So I graduated magna cum laude just to show 'em what was important.

Military Experiences

USS Nathanael Greene (SSBN-636)
Machinist's Mate (Nuclear Submarine) (MMN)
Mechanical operator on an SSBN nuclear power plant and all associated duties
After a medical disqual from subs and inability to continue as a Machinist's Mate due to a bilateral hearing loss I turned down a medical discharge and asked to be retrained. I became a Personnelman and retained my E5 rank, was then stationed at a Naval air squadron.


USS Nathanael Greene FBM patrols and you don't need to know where

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Oct 1985 - Nov 1985

Navy Recruiting School (NEC 2186)

Sep 1982 - Oct 1982

Personnelman Classifier (NEC 2612)

Aug 1981

Nuclear Weapons Loading Team Captain

Foreign Language Skills

I'm fluent in Brooklyn!

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1988 - 1990

Norwich University

Bachelor's Degree, History (Major)
