PO2 Thomas Bodine

PO2 Thomas Bodine

Dates of Service: no date specified
64% Complete
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,826
22,361 out of 863,647 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR
  • SA
  • SN Apr 81
  • PO3 Jun 81
  • PO2 Oct 83

Recent Activity  -


I am Thomas Bodine. A software and hardware engineer. Recently I have been writing test software for PC hardware, Network storage arrays, and data base update and backup. I also worked on a team bringing applications into an Openstack public Cloud. I have written software used to guide ships for seismic surveys. I have built an internet gaming data center on a small island.

Military Experiences

Nov 1984 - Apr 1987
Fire Control Technician (FT)
Worked on AN/SPS 48C Radar Did several circles in the ocean. Visited Long Beach, Seal Beach, Hawaii, Yokosuka Japan, Subic Bay and Manila Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Seoul, Pusan Korea, Anchorage Alaska, Vancouver British Columbia, and San Francisco. Met my wife and life got better.
Oct 1982 - Oct 1984
USS Midway (CV-41)
Fire Control Technician (FT)
Worked on the AN/SPS 48 Radar. Visited Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Crossed the line, I'm a shell back. I was also a member of the Yokosuka Motorcycle Club.

Military Credentials

Foreign Language Skills


Spanish (1/1)

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1988 - 1992

San Diego State University

Bachelor's Degree
