SGT Woodrow Greenfeather

SGT Woodrow Greenfeather

Dates of Service: no date specified
75% Complete
31 Contacts
Influence Score: 4,072
11,452 out of 863,491 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT Oct 92
  • PV2 Oct 02
  • PFC Feb 03
  • SPC Jul 03
  • SGT Nov 05

Recent Activity  -


I am currently going to school to be a gunsmith. I am currently a NRA / CLEET Firearms Instructor as well as a police, fire, and EMS Instructor. I have all the classes for my Associates in Forestry minus English II and all the math. Currently medically retired, 100% disabled and unemployable. In spare time I fish the Grand Lake of the Cherokees around Grove, OK. I also work on firearms and teach CCW classes. Often I have been called upon to teach one on one pistol classes and advanced CCW. For the advanced CCW classes I use a lot of what I learned between the military and law enforcement.

Military Experiences

Dec 2005 - Feb 2007
Team Leader
Was a team leader in 3rd PLT. While acting squad leader my team set the standard for the division on MOUT entering and clearing a room. Had surgery on both ankles 1 month before the unit deployed and was placed as rear-d company 1SG over several NCO's over me. Due to the nature of my surgery, I was med-boarded with a medical retirement.
Oct 2003 - Dec 2005
B Co
M203 Gunner
Was a 203 gunner with 3rd PLT under, at that time, SFC Eric Geressy. Deployed to Iraq.
Feb 1993 - Dec 1994
First duty station. Was training company for Aviation School. Assisted with jump operations, sling loads, and OPFOR for WO candidates.
Feb 1993 - Oct 1994


(1 year)
Feb 2003 - Jan 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Served as an infantry 203 gunner with 3rd plt B Co 2/187 RCT (Rakkasan) 101 ABN/AAST

Military Credentials

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2016 - 2017

Sonoran Desert Institute

Certification, Advanced Gunsmithing

2008 - 2010

Northeast Oklahoma A and M



Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training

Certification, Basic Law Enforcement


Afton Vo-Tech

None, Emergency Medical Technician
