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Responses: 19
Maj John Bell
President Obama is right about not stigmatizing Muslims. But it smacks of hypocrisy. He certainly has no qualms about stigmatizing and marginalizing his political opponents, with mischaracterizations and misrepresentations..
CSM David Heidke
CSM David Heidke
>1 y
LTC Jason Bartlett - I hope you're not going to wonder long...
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
>1 y
PO2 Mark Saffell - Spot on!!!
LTC Jason Bartlett
LTC Jason Bartlett
>1 y
CSM David Heidke -President Obama failed to issue a statement on the bombing so I guess I will be.
SFC Assistant Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Curious, which of his opponents has he done any of that to and why?
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SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS
Edited >1 y ago
LTC Jason Bartlett Not only does this seem rife with hypocrisy, but he has stigmatized so many. The group which always comes to mind with me are law enforcement officers. The Honorable President Obama has come down on the ill informed and wrong side of almost every issue where he has interjected himself pertaining to potential law enforcement misconduct. After all of his hypocritical behavior, he always bloviates about protecting Muslims. While I agree that characterizing all Muslim's as terrorists would be a mistake, identifying our enemy is tantamount to building a viable strategy and ultimately defeating them. If you cannot identify the enemy as "radical Islamic" how can you fully appreciate the tactics and history of the conflict? For a Constitutional attorney he truly amazes me, and not in a good way.
MAJ Special Forces Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
POTUS's nanosecond laser focus on nation problems, followed by a bloviating professorial press conference, and the "feel-good" appointment of another czar, has not worked for the American People! Even if, Hillary wasn't Hillary, why would anyone with a grain of common sense, vote for such an unindicted criminal?
SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS
SFC Dr. Joseph Finck, BS, MA, DSS
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) Sir, the common sense post you just made should be the rally cry for all Americans to stand and deliver a vote for a return to American values and the way forward to bring America to the greatness we could have.
MAJ Special Forces Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks Brother! Visiting my son in Tallahassee, I picked up thirty TRUMP yards signs. I only have 15 left. My post office is across the street in my little village. People in the parking lot ask, "where did you get that TRUMP sign?" Not a great lot of candidates, PRAY he Grows more presidential BUT he TAKES an AMERICAN stand. Philip Mudd on CNN, what BS against TRUMP!
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Sgt Joe LaBranche
Why is that when police officers shoot someone or are involved in certain situations he (Obama) and others are quick to criticize and condemn law enforcement, yet when Muslims behead, set on fire, and bomb individuals in public places, with intent to kill, he says don't stigmatize Muslims. Many of the police shootings are accidental (not all), but the terrorist main objective to purposeful and to kill.

I agree with you, MAJ Jason Bartlett! This is a double standard! We need a change in the White House. We need someone to reinstall our Christian values, unite this Nation, respect law enforcement, and stop race baiting. Unfortunately, I do not believe any of those running for presidency are qualified or capable of accomplishing this objective or uniting the people.

What happen to the days when politicians served the people? Career politician have taken control of our Country and side with big money corporations and their interests. Power changes people and sometimes they forget they work for the people, not corporate America. A good leader is able to deliberately create challenging results by enlisting the help of others. This administration has created such a big divide in this Country. We need a leader that will stand up for and respect our military, law enforcement, Christian values, and the wishes of the people of the United States.
SGT John " Mac " McConnell
PO2 Mark Saffell
PO2 Mark Saffell
>1 y
Carter was the worst President in the last 116 years. I think Obama is trying real hard to take his place. I have never seen a person with so much power that hates America and Americans as much as he does. I sure hope he finds a nice hole to craw into OUTSIDE America when he finally leaves office.
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
SP5 Mark Kuzinski
>1 y
Sgt Joe LaBranche Can't wait until he's out of office.
SrA Matthew Knight
SrA Matthew Knight
>1 y
*Police Officer Shoots someone*
"There is a problem with law enforcement in this country. They are just turning into the military and harming innocents more than they're helping them."

*Muslim Shoots or bombs many people*
"This isn't a problem with all of Islam. It's a problem with a few radical bad apples."

Yep, seems pretty legit to me. Criticize all of the police for the actions of the few but doesn't do the same against Muslims. I'm not saying he should do it against Muslims but he shouldn't be doing it against LE either.
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