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Responses: 1
SSG Roger Ayscue
It is a simple fact: We have killed off, by aborting them, a large portion of the post baby-boomer generation that was needed to sustain the Country. Social Security is insolvent because two groups are not paying into it, welfare recipients and those that were never born. In fact, one of those groups is drawing out money that they did not pay into the system. So, the Liberal Left has destroyed the Social Safety Net that was intended to be Social Security while all the time screaming about how it needs to be fixed. Well there Social Justice Warrior, if you abort so many future taxpayers and then fail to tax those that live OFF OF the system, how does the system sustain itself?

So when it comes to abortion on demand, and the killing off of a generation of American Taxpayers..Well thanks a pant load Chet! Just like every single Liberal Left program this too is a total fracking failure. SJWs need to GFY and move to another county to F it up.
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