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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
I really have a problem with Leftist journalists telling me how bad the opposition is doing. It seems like a reverse of the "Bandwagon" propaganda ploy. Instead of encouraging us to jump on their bandwagon because it is roaring merrily along, they try to convince us to jump off of ours because it has three flat tires, one missing wheel, and the paint is peeling.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
8 y
Come along, good CPT Jack Durish. This is no different from when a Conservative journalist talks about Obamacare or Hillary or anything else for that matter. Is a Liberal's opinion any less valid that what a Conservative journalist or pundit writes?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - Actually, no it's not quite the same thing. When talking about an issue such as Obamacare, each side is expected to present it's pro's and con's. This is only fair. And, no there's nothing unfair about either side mentioning polling numbers. However, as I pointed out, they're usually presented as a positive to induce people to get on board with the winner. It's not as usual to see them used as a negative. That's all I was saying. You, on the other hand, are troubled by anything I say and I understand. It's difficult protecting such a vulnerable target as Hillary. You have to react to every mention of her. You have my sympathy.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
8 y
Sorry for the late response. I was asleep. I'm not troubled by anything you say and I was using Obamacare and Hillary as examples Conservatives feel they can speak about ad nauseam and, to repeat myself, I know Hillary has a warehouse full of skeletons BUT the fact is I know that and can see them.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - And what skeletons do you see in Trump's closet? All I've heard about are imaginary monsters under the bed
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SSgt Ed Lewandowski
Edited 8 y ago
no your the problem every post you put is negativity. I kept my mouth shut thru most of this because of my ptsd. KIllery is our worse nightmare she hate the military. She hates Veterans and she is a commie. So if you want to see this country to shit vote for her. Because we wont have a military it will be the UN.
SSgt Ed Lewandowski
SSgt Ed Lewandowski
8 y
LTC (Join to see) -Benghazi our damn right im sir
LTC Immigration Judge
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
SSgt Ed Lewandowski - Sorry to disappoint you, but it was terrorists, aided by GOP budget cuts that killed those four, NOT Hillary Clinton.

I suppose you blame Gen, Powell or George W. Bush for the 3000+ deaths following 9/11?

Oh, and EIGHT hostile GOP congressional investigations found NO WRONGDOING on Secretary Clinton's part, but what the hell do they know?
SSgt Ed Lewandowski
SSgt Ed Lewandowski
8 y
no sir i dont but i do blame her for not sending help as requested. but he blocked me too lol
Alan K.
Alan K.
8 y
SSgt Ed Lewandowski - He does that a lot....! the easy button.
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SGT English/Language Arts Teacher
That's a point Republican pollster Whit Ayres made as well this week to the Washington Post.

"After 15 months of denigrating every nonwhite minority in sight, it's hard to believe that he can actually do significantly better among nonwhites," said Ayres, who wrote the book 2016 and Beyond: How Republicans Can Elect a President in the New America. This about sums it up.
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