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Responses: 7
LTC Owner
breaking the law is only an issue if you get caught.
LTC Owner
SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
SPC(P) (Join to see)
8 y
It would appear this election, it's only an issue if your not registered Democrat, or don't have good political connections... getting caught doesn't matter, we'll just either pay off the investigator or discredit the source... if that doesn't work, "I don't recall".
SPC Phil Norton
SPC Phil Norton
8 y
Hard to get caught when you have all the top cards in your pocket
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
8 y
In their case it makes no difference if they get caught or not, Cover Up goes immediately into effect from the fbi and justice/injustice depts.
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SSG Derrick L. Lewis MBA, C-HRM
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MSgt Superintendent, Commanders Support Staff
You can say left this, left that all you want. There is corruption on both sides. I don't support either candidate but one thing I will say is that if you support Trump you support his ideas. You support his bigotry, racism, sexism, and many other hateful things that he has said and done throughout his campaign. If a member of the military were to say and do things that he have said and done we would be tossed out on the street after a court martial. There are other candidates out there but what's funny is people tend to align with "like-minded" candidates despite the major flaws of the two leading candidates.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
If you substitute HRC for Trump in your statement you would be on target. I know you won't listen to me and by your picture you look young so you haven't lived through all the stuff HRC has done in her life. Do a Bing search on her snd spend (invest) an hour of your time to see the kind of person you're backing. I read you don't care for either candidate. When you throw the hate language around you do... Well that's just not a true statement.
MSgt Superintendent, Commanders Support Staff
MSgt (Join to see)
8 y
False! I have been around through a majority of HRC. Never said I backed her. Bottom line is if you bacon Trump you share his views. Why else would you support him if you didn't believe in him?SFC (Join to see) -
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
TSgt Omar Portillo
Leaving all the silly trumped up stuff on temperament, sex and stuff like that, Trump has shown better judgment in his life than HRC. End of story, game.
SPC(P) Civil Affairs Specialist
SPC(P) (Join to see)
8 y
You aren't wrong entirely, I do believe in a lot of what Trump says and stands for. I do believe that if we want a Nation, we have to borders. I do believe that allowing people to subvert the legal system, and come to this country illegally is a slap to the face of those who followed the law, waited years, and paid dearly to enter this country legally. I do believe that our flag is worth respecting, our law enforcement is by and large doing one of the shittiest jobs in our country and deserve respect for what they do, not to be sentenced by the media, condemned by the President and executed by gang-bangers. I believe that if you want to fix the inner cities, you need to launch initiatives to increase funding to inner city schools, back fiscal and trade policy that creates jobs and puts inner city people back to work, and get the inner cities off the Democrat nipple of subjugation. I do believe that we need to weed out the corruption in our political class, force Congress to work for the people, not for lobbyists, and create and enforce laws that prevent government offices from being personal money-making schemes. I think that we need to spend more effort throwing crooked politicians in prison, and less effort enforcing severe punishment for victimless crime. I think that when we are in an era of lone wolf radical inspired terrorist attacks, and our enemy is openly desiring to carry out attacks within our country, we need to seriously restrict entry until those problems can be fixed. None of these things make, me, or Trump for that matter, a "bigot", "racist" or "sexist".
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