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Responses: 7
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
My opinion for what it's worth (and some say that's not a lot): The government shouldn't be in the health care business, or any other business for that matter except making and passing a budget.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
1SG (Join to see) - You need to stop cherry picking topics you discuss. I didn’t say taxes were the only reason we fought for independence; there were lots of other reasons. On another note: You keep on talking about “health Care”… you missed the movement (as we said in my day), we are talking about “health insurance”; these two topics are worlds apart. You can have all the insurance you want, that doesn’t mean you are going to receive health care. If no health care providers in your area accept the insurance you have: you are up the creek, that’s why I say they are very different topics. I suggest you look at all the areas of the country where there is currently one provider, and then look at what is going to happen next year. If you have insurance through the ACA, it probably isn’t going to be worth the paper it’s printed on.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
CWO3 (Join to see) - If your point is most people who can't afford health insurance drive new cars, I'd shut the conversation down as well. Have a great day.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
7 y
SFC (Join to see) - You mentioned taxes and our country's foundation, how am I cherry picking anything? I simply asked for clarification and made an assumption. I'm sorry that bothered you. I'll join our esteemed chief and end this conversation.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
7 y
1SG (Join to see) - Don't be sorry, discuss honestly. I said a big part of how and why our Country was founded had to do with taxes. I was speaking about it in the context of the topic of conversation: unreasonable taxes, not the French and Indian Wars. Then you ramble on about the Whisky Rebellion: I believe that whisky tax was repealed in the early 1800s… I wonder why?

You remind me of the devil quoting scripture, only in this case you quoted the wrong scripture to support your opinion. I was hoping to keep the discussion to current times but when one has a weak argument one must grasp at obscure happenings to try to turn the discussion.

I understand your basic statement: we all pay unreasonable taxes, so why not one more. The answer is: Because this is not just a regular tax, it is a tax and means that effectively changes our form of government. No one ever bothers me if they speak honestly and stays in the context of the discussion. I for one like living in a Republic and want to see it kept that way.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
I hope he cancels every waiver and then pulls the Federal Government from funding ay part of it.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Capt Dwayne Conyers
7 y
The true threat is killing funding from taxes on billionaires

MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
Capt Dwayne Conyers - $250,000 per year for a married couple filing jointly does NOT make someone a millionaire. This is easily a couple owning a small business, a couple of married professionals or middle management people. $125k /yr per person is NOT wealthy. It is upper middle class. So, this funding will be on the backs of the upper middle class professionals and small business owners.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
reduce federal funding for medicare to pre obama care levels. Let individual states decide for themselves how to handle healthcare. If some states was to drive themselves over the insolvency cliff paying for everyone's medical care let them. No government bailouts of those states. If those states want to raise state income and business taxes to pay for all their social programs let them. People and businesses will vote with their feet.

Trump needs to work on fixing out corporate tax structure and reduce taxes on people and business. That is what he was voted in to do.
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MSgt Jason McClish
Let it crash and burn may be the best solution.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Capt Dwayne Conyers
7 y
Well, it won’t crash and burn on its own MSgt Jason McClish... it is getting help.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
7 y
It has been crashing and burning since it started. Why do you think various insurers had announced last year before the election that they were pulling out of some state exchanges? Premiums have gone way up even for those of us with employer sponsored coverage. We have healthy young people deciding that paying the penalty is cheaper than purchasing insurance. Why should people who contribute nothing to the economy get subsidized healthcare end end up with better coverage for less than people who's taxes and premiums are being raised to cover them?

I am all for covering children but able bodied adults who are capable of working but don't shouldn't get anything! People whose medical conditions are brought on by obesity shouldn't either. Diets are cheap.
MSgt Jason McClish
MSgt Jason McClish
7 y
Agreed. This ACA is controversial in the Constitution at a minimum, with arguments that health care isn't mentioned and it's not up to he federal government to provide health care. This seems more suited for individual states, as the states are to govern themselves, with minimal federal oversight.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
7 y
Huge divide between allowing something to happen and causing it to happen.
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