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Responses: 12
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
Find the leaker and throw them in jail. This is hurting the country.
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MSgt Michael Bischoff
It probably is against the law unless it was released by the other party. Since they are foreign governments the assumption of privacy is not always the case.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
7 y
It wasn't... WaPo confirmed that.
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PO2 Robert Aitchison
The leaks won't stop. IMO the root of the problem is that the President has by and large (with some exceptions) surrounded himself with duplicitous scoundrels who tell him exactly what he wants to hear to his face but are plotting & scheming behind his back. These people, like Putin think they can manipulate the President for their own gains.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
7 y
True...but motive? If he goes they go, so is patriotism enough motive for "duplicitous scoundrels"? Besides getting flamed and outed they will be unemployed - for life - in politics. That's why I lean toward other motives i.e. "survivors". Not physically but still behind it maybe?
PO2 Robert Aitchison
PO2 Robert Aitchison
7 y
CWO3 (Join to see) - No idea as to motive, doubt that patriotism is playing a role though because I suspect that those few in the administration who are truly patriotic also have a sliver of ethics. The people I'm talking about (Bannon is the poster child) are neither patriotic or ethical. Maybe it's some of the many people who have been forced out of a job like Reince Priebus?
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
7 y
PO2 Robert Aitchison - thought that also maybe, recent departures, Priebus, Spicer, Mooch
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
3 mo
Trump could have fired most all of Obama's staff and appointees, but I believe that he was advised to keep them for continuity and Trump listened to the wise counsel of people he could not trust. That said, Trump had been left little choice but to keep them on. You see, before Obama left office, he made it difficult for Trump to fire government officials, and in doing that he left a minefield of moles and leakers whose mission it was to set Trump up for failure. Trump caught on however, and he systematically leaked information to expose the leakers and then got rid of them.

Trump got rid of CIA Director George Brennan, a Muslim convert, because Brennan was collecting on Congressional staffers and lying about it. He revoked Brennan's security clearance as well because Brennan proved himself to be untrustworthy.

Trump kept FBI Director Comey, but hindsight being what it is, he should have gotten rid of him much sooner. He asked Comey to swear an oath of loyalty to him and Comey refused. Comey was later fired for cause and of course this upset the Democrats, who had the FBI and other government agencies weaponized against Trump.

Fauci was another malevolent character that Trump would have done well to fire early on, but Trump was told by medical professionals that Fauci was THE GUY when it came to virus research and his work on AIDS was cited. Later, people that had worked for Fauci would come forth, and they weren't impressed with Fauci because he was more politician than doctor and liked to take credit for the work of others instead of sharing the accolades. I can't speak to whether or not the release of COVID from the Wuhan Lab was an accident or intentional but the timing of it certainly benefitted the Chinese AND the Democrats. Never let a good crisis go to waste. For them, it was a win-win. Fauci and self-professed vaccine czar Bill Gates (who shares the same background in medicine as I do, no sense me being modest) got to depopulate the world, aaaand they got rich doing it, The media projected them as heroes working tirelessly to save mankind. Here's a formula for success: Make people sick and then pretend to be their hero by developing a vaccine and coming to the rescue! Worked for Fauci! The trouble is, we typically have had a very difficult time manufacturing an effective vaccine for coronaviruses that doesn't have unpredictable and detrimental side effects. Fauci knew this. He also knew that if you want to cause the most panic, pick an animal virus and teach it to infect humans so that nobody has immunity to it. It can't be too deadly like Ebola or it won't spread, and it can't be too mild or it won't be effective enough. Personally, I believe Fauci knowingly paid China to do gain of function research and lied about it because it was illegal to do that research here. I believe he wanted to weaponize a virus that could be used against mankind.

Enter COVID-19. Big Pharma created mRNA gene therapy shots and had to redefine what a vaccine is so that the shots could be sold to the public as a vaccine. But unlike traditional vaccines, these don't prevent you from getting or spreading the virus. The Democrats' goal was to cause the most pain to the public by enforcing mandatory lockdowns and only allowing select businesses to operate. Private businesses suffered whilst big corporations such as Amazon and Wal-Mart made out like bandits. Restaurants folded and the public got used to working from home and doing their shopping online. A generation of children were set back in their educations. When Trump tried to take proactive measures to close ports of entry to travelers from COVID hotspot countries, Nancy Pelosi called Trump racist and xenophobic. She encouraged people to celebrate Chinese New Year in Chinatown. I believe the Democrats wanted the US to experience the pandemic so they could blame Trump for the response. When Trump suggested that they look into the use of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment, the media lambasted him for recommending people take horse medicine, but what they neglected to report was that there was a version of it for people and that it was effective as a treatment reducing the symptoms of COVID-19. No matter what Trump did, he was wrong... till History proved Trump right. And an embattled Fauci, pushed the public to get vaccinated knowing full well it didn't prevent anyone from getting or spreading the virus. Fauci pushed for vaccine passports, he told people to wear two masks, and he told people to get boosters every year. He left his post a disgraced man having been put in his place by Rand Paul, a dentist who called him out on his buffoonery. Trump should have gotten rid of Fauci sooner but he let Fauci fall on his sword.

Governor Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio likewise torched their political careers when they complained that Trump hadn't given them the supplies they needed, but Trump jumped through hoops, even getting relief from Russia, and he sent supplies and the USS Comfort (a hospital ship) to NYC, which were barely put to use. Instead of putting COVID infected patients in the MASH tents and on the USS Comfort, they thought it would be a good idea to put them in nursing homes with the most vulnerable elderly of our society. And sure enough, the death count went up. One might imagine that this would make them very unpopular but the public overwhelmingly thought Cuomo handled COVID effectively. Karma being what it is, both ended up losing favor with the public. Cuomo resigned due to sexual harassment allegations and DeBlasio turned against Cuomo. DeBlasio is no longer mayor of NYC but he is eying the governorship and is thinking about running. If the people of NY are stupid enough to elect him, they will get everything they deserve.

Pelosi was responsible for Security on Jan 6 and I personally saw how lax it was. They weren't serious about protecting the Capitol, which the FBI briefed weeks in advance would be the scene of violence on Jan 6, but they didn't bother to state what they were doing to interdict it. Of course they wouldn't when they were coordinating the operation with Pelosi's office, which had an unusually high amount of traffic with the FBI, even given the nature of the event. One might imagine they would follow SOP and erect a fence around the Capitol as per the usual when demonstrations are expected... let alone demeonstrations that are expected to turn violent. The FBI wouldn't say what their relationship with Ray Epps was, and couldn't state why he wasn't arrested like everyone else when he was on video telling supporters to go into the Capitol, and was on a video whispering into a guy's ear right before the guy turned and attacked the police. He lied about not being at the Capitol that day, but there he was on people's cell phones... History should remember Pelosi unkindly as well as Biden, who was a willing accomplice to election fraud.

As for Biden, are we really supposed to believe that a guy who spent the campaign in his basement and lost twice before in previous presidential bids, came back from behind in the middle of the night and lost to an incumbent who was busy campaigning and got 10 million more votes than he did when he beat Hillary? ?? I mean, even his choice for VP was so unpopular, she had to drop out of her Presidential campaign and we're supposed to believe they got the most votes in the history of elections? REALLY?!!

History will absolve Trump. The nation owes it to him to give him back the election that was taken from him, and give him a chance to clear his name. What this country did to him was shameful. I don't care if you like him or hate him, you just don't do people that way. He has been attacked by the Progressive Lamestream media, by the Democrats who illegally spied on him, rigged the 2016 election against him, then took every opportunity to undermine him and set him up for failure. They manufactured evidence against him, then embroiled him in frivolous investigations, which turned up evidence implicating Democrats in wrongdoing and they never followed up on those leads. Instead they squeezed everyone close to Trump hoping to get them to squeal and STILL couldn't throw Trump in jail. Now he's been ordered to pay millions for a victimless crime, whilst those convicting him are guilty of the same and worse. The Democrats twice impeached him without even specifying an impeachable crime, let alone getting a conviction and then they instigated a riot and blamed him for it.
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