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Responses: 15
Sgt Kelli Mays
Edited 7 y ago
COL Charles Williams I wrote a book here and it conveniently disappeared...here I go again. These things CONFEDERATE need to be left alone. Taking them down, putting them into storage or as some San Antonians are trying to do...put them into a museum dedicated just for all things "CONFEDERATE" need to stop it....starting here....where/when will it end?? seriously folks...George Washington had slaves...should we tear down everything to do with him? Should we burn all 1$ bills? what about Andrew Jackson...yeah, lets all take our $20 bills and put them into one huge pile and light it on fire because he was a slave owner too. where does it stop??
Cleopatra....Ramsey's....kings and queens of EGYPT...the ELITE......all of the Roman emperor's...Roman ELITE...all owned slaves...a gazillion more slave that there ever were is the US....lets insist these countries tear down, burn down anything to do with SLAVERY in their country...
If we start here...Where will it end? yeah, let's burn down all of the CATHEDRALS...because way back when....the Catholics and the Presbyterians fought and killed one another all of the time...both sides were EVIL...and therefore we should destroy it all for what they have done....right? Yeah, let's just go ahead and erase all of history... and we'll have very little building left...monuments....statues....etc....because some of us can't handle seeing things that have happened in History...let's burn down all of the ROMAN temples because they were built by slaves. let's burn down all of the PRYAMIDS because they were built by slaves...
our history of SLAVES...the US history that is was very short lived compared to Hundreds if not thousands of years of slavery from Egypt, Rome, Greece....Millions and millions and millions of folks were MURDERED...MAMED...slaughtered....worked to death...beaten....rapped etc.....IT is HISTORY! it was a BARBAIC time period....but you don't see Egyptians wanting to tear down and burn down their statues of Ramsey's and Cleopatra and all of their history....you don't see the Romans wanting to do the same...and they have a horrible history of slavery...all of those temples, building, statues, churches etc...were all built by slaves...
Come on...seriously!?!? you people are being ridiculous. IF you start here...when and where will it stop!?!?! huh????

Starting here with these folks who find these statues offensive....where does it end??? Leave the statues right where they are...HISTORY is HISTORY and no matter how hard you folks try to make it disappear, it won't. it will remain...OBVIOUSLY you HAVE NOT learned anything...because the point of history is to learn...especially from Mistakes.
Should I want to burn down everything to do with ENGLAND since one of my ancestors who was from Scotland came over on the Mayflower with an ELITE English family who owned him...and he was WHITE! Yep, that's right...I come from a family who were slaves...so Should I feel hatred towards all ENGLISH for enslaving my ancestors and want to destroy and erase everything to do with England or that English family that enslaved my Scottish ancestor?
LEARN PEOPLE! Learn from our past mistakes...from our history....leave the statues and teach your kids...your family...your friends....that we have come a long ways from that time...we have fought for our rights...after all that's the whole reason a small group of people ran away and came to the promise land, right?? Learn and teach and move forward...acting like this...all hurt ....give me a break....there are always two side...three really....and you are not taking into account the feelings of folks that had kin/family who were involved in the confederacy....it's their history too....and many are ashamed of what their ancestors did, but it was the way of the times...
THE WHOLE WORLD and gone through changes and will continue to always change and evolve....but take away History...try to erase it...sweep it under the table....shows me you folks have not learned a thing and by doing this...it shows me your are stuck in the past and have not moved one...and seriously....how many of you can really say or show/prove that any of your kin/family were hurt or involved...or how they felt.... BECAUSE I CAN...My mother lived through it..... ....my mom is OKINAWAN...the Japanese OPPRESSED Okinawans for years....treated them badly and enslaved them...raped them...even burned them etc....but my mom does not hate the Japanese...even though, believe it or not....there are still some Japanese...the elite and older generation who look down towards the Okinawans and still treat them badly...rude to them and act as if they are 2nd class citizens...there are statues and monuments of Japanese soldiers/generals etc.... in Japan...and OH MY GOD...American's....many marines still rape and treat the Okinawans badly....but the Okinawans do not want to wipe them from history....they want it there as a reminder of what they went through and what they will make sure they will never go through again.
My mom lived through the war. walked 3 miles to school with no shoes...had to run to the mountains and live in caves for a while...trade things for food...she lived it....yet, she doesn't hold a grudge...knowing my mother's story helps me understand this better. Leave it alone..... Instead...TEACH! REMEMBER what happened and teach your loved ones and others to NEVER LET IT HAPPEN again.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen F. SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL PO1 John Miller SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" SFC (Join to see) Col Dona Marie Iversen Capt Tom Brown SSG Warren Swan CPT Jack Durish SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SFC George Smith Cpl (Join to see) SSgt Terry P. SSgt (Join to see) PO1 Chris V. SN Greg Wright SP5 Mark Kuzinski
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
7 y
CPT Jared Speaks - Sgt Kelli Mays Thanks. Both good comments... Thank you.
COL Charles Williams
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
7 y
Mark Heick - I was pretty clear on "when is it going to stop." First it's confederate statues and anything confederate....most people who want them gone state it's because of slavery and oppression...then what...Change the Name of Washinton DC or get rid of Washington and or Jackson on money because they owned slaves? When is it going to stop? A school named ROBERT E LEE...folks are fighting...making stupid fools of themselves on both sides...wanting to change the name and others wanting the name to remain. When is it going to stop? It is History...and it was not a problem...I LOOKED IT UP...till that young white supremist boy went into that church and shot up a bunch of black folks...because he was wearing a confederate t shirt, had a confederate flag on his truck and sticker...this became an issue. I did a search...asked many friends...collegues....co workers and others if they remember this being a big deal or a problem before hand...and the answer was NO...History is History and it should be REMEMBERED so we don't go back and do it again....and as for people who experienced it or know someone who did....every one of these folks who are feeling "HURT" or "ANGRY" because of what had happened in the past....is find/good/dandy....I too, am not happy with what happened. It was horrible...and I supposed I understand why they want to remove the statues...but I totally disagree....it's our history...it's NEVER going to change...so what's next...TAKE ALL HISTORY regarding this era out of school history books? When is it going to stop? COL Charles Williams Mark Heick CPT Jared Speaks SSG Mike Wyche
Mark Heick
Mark Heick
7 y
CPT Jared Speaks wrote in my opinion a very educated and well thought out response.

My guess is it will most likely stop when an appropriate compromised is found.
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
Edited 7 y ago
No nation exist where there were not any bumps and grinds and huge mistakes made. That is History and to keep from repeating those errors they need to be remembered. The advances We made as a nation didn't happen overnight but it is important to retain the best parts. To bury the past is to bury Your head in the sand and the results are never good. We must never forget !
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
7 y
CPT Jared Speaks - One of the big differences is WWI and WWII were not civil wars. Our civil war had American against American. We had to bring the country back together after the bloodiest conflict in our history. That was no small feat. Many./most of these memorials were erected by family members, civic and veterans organizations and the like. They recognize the sacrifice and loss of life from those that fought in the confederacy. They were still Americans and after the war, America came back together as one.

It is a given that some memorials have greater benefit than others. Their value relative to each other is not really they point. If we only kept the most beneficial memorials, many others could be destroyed as well.

You don't see Nazi memorials in general because they lost two world wars, back to back where they were clearly the aggressor and the loss of life and the outright crimes against humanity were there for all to see.

All analogies break down, that is part of the reality of analogies. I only use the German graveyards to demonstrate the point that they do exist and you can honor the sacrifice of the soldier without embracing the message or goals of the country or movement they might have fought for. Some of this, for the soldier is a matter of birth. You cannot help where you were born/live and that is a key driver to the army you might be required to join.
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LTC Stephen F.
COL Charles Williams I firmly believe that each and every Civil War monument located on a Civil War Battlefield or placed in national or state cemetery should be retained (1) to preserve our heritage which might be distasteful but is nonetheless a part of the fabric of the history of this nation and (2) the descendants of those who fought in the US Civil War should have their personal heritage preserved in that their forbears fought for what they believed or because they fought for family and friends.
As somebody who is interested in history in general and military history in particular, I have stood up for preserving history. My extended family members includes many liberal progressives who are generally clueless about history despite their claims to the contrary. They tend to be democrat which is directly linked to the democrats of the 19th century despite the ludicrous claims of some on this forum. Those who don't learn from history tend to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors.
FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs LTC Stephen C. LTC Wayne Brandon Maj William W. 'Bill' Price Capt Seid Waddell Capt Tom Brown 1stSgt Eugene Harless SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SFC William Farrell SSgt Robert Marx TSgt Joe C. SGT John " Mac " McConnell SP5 Robert Ruck SP5 Mark Kuzinski SrA Christopher Wright SGT Robert George SPC (Join to see) MSG Andrew White SGT (Join to see)
Sgt Kelli Mays
Sgt Kelli Mays
7 y
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth - History tends to repeat itself...why? because we sweep it under the carpet...we forget about it as time goes by. It's a proven fact and well known statement....History, tends to repeat itself. why can't these people see this?
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
7 y
Sgt Kelli Mays - you are very right about that Kelli. The way things are going on right now is a prime example.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
7 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - Seriously... with the books, and condescending comments? We are all on the same team here.
COL Charles Williams
COL Charles Williams
7 y
LTC Stephen F. - Ya think.... Books... Have you read them? SSG Michael Hartsfield
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