The last thing that we need is a new requirement that Congress get involved in an approval to launch nuc's as a counter to any attack that might be launched against the US. Can you just imagine a debate in the Senate... San Francisco was just eviscerated by a North Korean Nuc... OK do we have the necessary votes for cloture... What you want to filibuster the decision because we have not debated the issue under regular order... Oops there goes Chicago... no matter... they were going to vote Democratic in the next election so that should lower the fraud threshold to some extent... now, where were we... Oh yes the bill to return fire will need 60 votes since it not a financial bill so we cannot use reconciliation... and then there is the need to to reconcile the bill with the House version... we should be good to go in about 60 days... assuming we don't shut the government down over our ongoing immigration dispute. Wait... a Fox New Alert... Problem solved... DC was just eliminated in the 3d strike... maybe next time.
There is a reason the system is set up the way it is... If you hate Trump go ahead and hate him... just have enough faith in the entire system that the US will never be the first to pull this trigger. We did it once and we know what it can do. An for goodness sakes can someone please point out when a metaphor is being used like the term " nuclear button" and stop the hyperbolic response.... please!