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Responses: 2
SSgt Richard Kensinger
The republicans never did and never will have a replacement plan! Trump is all hype-hustle. His only motivation is to denigrate any and all rivals; many of whom are far more integrated than he is.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
CPT Bob Coleman - Not all travel from China, just Chinese nationals. Plenty of U.S. citizens returned from China, as if the virus was checking passports before infecting people. (Brilliant) I think you should take all the hydroxychloroquine you can get your hands on.... but you should probably learn how to spell it first... you know, so you aren't taking the wrong thing. ... On second thought..... do your worst.

Is it any wonder Trump has so many marks for his cons....
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
CPT Bob Coleman - Look Bob, we're obviously not going to see eye to eye on this, and I have very little interest in convincing you. This just works well as a means to vent because you represent the slack-jawed ignorant arrogance of a Trump supporter so well. Someone who has no idea how clueless and inept they actually are. If you want to keep coming back so I can school you with actual information and logic, by all means. But something you may want to consider... when dealing with pharmaceuticals, spelling is important. I know it probably wasn't a big deal with whatever online school or correspondence course saw fit to hand you an undeserved degree, but in certain fields it is very important to get things right and spell the name of the drug you are hyping correctly. ... or perhaps I could interest you in taking some hydrazine;chloride? It certainly will cure what ails you.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
CPT Bob Coleman - I'm sorry, Bob, did I hurt your feelings? I figured that a person that starts out calling others " weak, helpless and lazy" would be prepared to handle a couple of insults. Apparently not. You are just as tender a snowflake as those you seek to denigrate. But sure, Bob, I understand how your feelings could be hurt.

As for my education, if you must know, I have a PHD. That's right... a Public High school Diploma, along with a large library and access to the internet. So tell me, Bob, in the engineering field, is use and spelling of the correct word not important? Or are you just too small to own up to a mistake and take responsibility for it? A small mistake that could have been easily corrected and moved past, but your ego would not let you... so here we are, talking about it three posts hence.

Well Bob, it has been nice. You have certainly confirmed everything I suspected about Trump supporters and erased all doubt regarding the level of their unearned and unwarranted sense of self-importance; their total lack of self-awareness, and their penchant for thinking they were using "facts and logic", when in reality they only speak in circles and complete nonsense, lacking the requisite understanding to apply the former.
MSgt Steve Sweeney
MSgt Steve Sweeney
4 y
CPT Bob Coleman - I am terribly sorry you were irritated. I can say that you are not the dumbest person in the world, but you better hope he doesn't die.
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LTC Kevin B.
Actually, his statement was just fine. If you liked your doctor, you could keep them because the law didn't sever that relationship. The problem was that doctors made the decision to sever the relationships with their patients. The venom towards Obama should have been directed towards the doctors (as well as the insurance companies) who chose to opt out of (or kill) the insurance plans that Obamacare allowed to remain in place. The big issue with Obamacare was that it didn't mandate renewal of those policies (which would have allowed people to keep their doctors), but then the right wing would have complained about that.
SSgt Owner/Operator
SSgt (Join to see)
4 y
LTC Kevin B. - and I ask you to not put words in my mouth that feed the narrative. Telling me my Obamacare insurance is better than what I had before is absolute horse hokey. Yes, for the millions that make less than 50k/yr it was a boon. For those of us that make more than that it was an absolute failure. It did not have any balanced approach across the lower 95% of society, just those below the poverty line. In the meantime, my insurance costs could have covered 50 (not an exact figure) families who benefited.

My son, who is a Type 1 Diabetic and was making $52k/yr could not even think to afford the "affordable care" that was on the market. He would have to make a choice - housing & eating or health care.

Sure, look at the numbers for 330M people living here in the states. And include in the nearly 100M illegals who are not trying to become US citizens. There was a, what is the word, YUGE benefit for 300M or so people. The other 130M people were screwed.

Name me one government regulated/controlled activity that has brought equal benefit to every citizen living in the US.

And yes - the insurance companies need to go. Do you remember a time before the insurance companies were the norm? I do. And the US had the best medical care, bar none, in the world. Now we don't.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) - I didn't say that your new policy was better than your old policy. Thanks again for trying to put words into my mouth. I just said that your value proposition changed (which it did).

"For those of us that make more than that it was an absolute failure." Again, speak for yourself.

"Name me one government regulated/controlled activity that has brought equal benefit to every citizen living in the US." = irrelevant and immaterial comment.

"Do you remember a time before the insurance companies were the norm?" No. I'm not that old. They've been the norm for all of my life, and I was born in the 60s.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
4 y
CPT Bob Coleman - That's just what the insurance industry wants.....customized policies so that they can discriminately price you and never have to compete on cost. You're falling right into their trap. And, Trump didn't end any corporate mandate. The only thing that was removed was the penalty for the individual mandate.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
4 y
CPT Bob Coleman - I don't know a single physician who NEEDS to teach for money. In fact, the vast majority of physicians I know who teach choose to do it for free because they enjoy working with students and giving back to their communities.

I get it. You don't like paying for maternity care. Women don't like paying for prostate cancer services and erectile dysfunction pills. It all balances out.
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