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Responses: 31
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
I don't see an issue with this. You shouldn't be liking or sharing them in the first place. It was already something that you could get in trouble for. This is like saying you would get in trouble for going to a political rally in uniform. It is already a thing. I like to think I am centric but I lean to the right. You make it sound like the majority of us Republicans would get in trouble for what we post. If you think that is the case then you have been lied too. If I see a post from a follow service member post something extremist I will take action. We are the ones that will police ourselves. There isn't going to be some social media auditor that just tries to kick people out. This isn't anything new.

If was done in the past maybe a communist supporter wouldn't have wasted four years of West Point's time.
SP5 Nuclear Weapons Specialist
SP5 (Join to see)
>1 y
What the hell?
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Terry Page - Don't worry. This was back in 2018. He was separated form the Army for his extremist views.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
I agree. I see no issue with this policy to stop extremism within the ranks. Promotion of discriminatory and/or violent behavior, which this policy targets, is against the oath that service members took.
SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. - On duty and off duty, one took an oath to defend the Constitution. Like the Hatch Act, this behavior/activity is contrary to the words of the Constitution. I'm old enough to remember servicemembers who were also members of the Klan. If FB were present then, would it be okay to like a meme by extremists that supported their rhetoric? I remember these days too.
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SGM Robert Murray
Your statement is inaccurate. Your sentence contains ZERO facts, so therefore, it is an editorial, an opinion, a perspective, a viewpoint not substantiated by facts.
Try playing devil's advocate and understand why my position about your perspective is valid.
If you can't, you might be experiencing a case of cognitive dissonance and therefore will have a difficult time convincing anyone openminded to support your position.

The headline says 'liking' or sharing extremists' posts on social media CAN <keyword here "CAN" get you in trouble. Define 'can'? Remember how it differs from "may?' They could have used the word "might" and have been more effective in communicating a perspective.

The statement is true though. Your summary is not.
SGM Robert Murray
SGM Robert Murray
>1 y
You offered another opinion and actually attempted to defend your opinion but you didn't support your opinion with facts. Stay on point, please? Let's get back to the point?
This is in my humble opinion. . .YOUR LIE, which is YOUR OPINION.
"The very fact this is being done, proves there is now a concerted effort to remove ANY person(s) that do not conform to a specific ideology and who have the balls to exercise their first amendment rights."

". . .very fact this is being done?" What's being done? A review of one's social media posts? By whom? See, your statement weak. I'm supposed to now screen my social media posts? Don't I do that anyway? Doesn't everyone do that anyway. If an extremist's social media post say "STOP THE VIOLENCE; STOP VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES" and I "like" it or I reply "AGREE!" What? Am I in trouble now? Really?

A setup? What the heck does that mean? I'm reading your posts. My conclusion is you need to elevate your critical thinking skills. Don't think you're an insurrectionist.

Now, if you tell me you were at the Capitol and didn't get caught or arrested, my OPINION of your might change. Still might not consider your an insurrectionist; might consider you an idiot for posting what you did on Jan 6th. . .then again, might now. . .you might have an agenda I'm not aware. Just saying.
Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis
Lt Col Timothy Cassidy-Curtis
>1 y
Guys, can you both agree that the situation is disconcerting? If one can set aside other matters (is this an opinion, etc.), can everybody agree that we might be headed in a bad direction? Can we agree that, if this is what our leadership is doing, we might want to be worried?
SSG Robert Perrotto
SSG Robert Perrotto
>1 y
Who defines what is "extremism"? Is posting or liking views that there are only 2 Genders considered "extremism"? Is posting or liking that Illegal Aliens should be deported considered "extremism" - That is the crux of this, who and what defines extremism? this is similar to hate speech laws that some are trying to enact - who defines it? and by what right do they have to punish, either physically or socially, anyone for what their beliefs or views are?
This is straight up 1984 type of nonsense, and it more then just concerning, No one has the right to be protected, nor shielded, from views, opinions, or speech that offends them. , nothing is above mocking, ridiculing, satirizing, or even hateful speech. This bullshit opens the door to guilt by mere association. There mere liking of a random tweet or facebook post because the one posting it may have views others find offensive. " I am offended" is nothing more then the whine of the emotionally infantile idiots that passes for society today.
CW3 Dick McManus
CW3 Dick McManus
>1 y
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Some Unpopular History of the United States

The Truman Years Apr. 1945 to Jan. 1953
Some Unpopular History of the United States

The Eisenhower Years Jan. 1953 to Jan. 1961
Some Unpopular History of the United States

JFK Years & the Assassination Cover-up
Some Unpopular History of the United States

The Lyndon Johnson Years - Nov. 1963 to Dec. 1968
Some Unpopular History of the United States

The Nixon Years 1969 to Aug 9, 1874
Some Unpopular History of the United States

The Ford Years – Aug. 9, 1974 to Jan. 20, 1977
Some Unpopular History of the United States

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You have a Constitutional right to voice your opinion. You do not have a Constitutional right to serve in the military if your world views are counter to the military’s shared values.
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PO1 Todd B. I know exactly who you are. It isn’t even hard to figure out. You’re an internet blow hard that never got to get into a real fight and now you want one. I’ve been in someone else’s civil war bud, it ain’t fun and it ain’t glorious.

And yeah, quite often, when someone is pounding their chest about how tough and wonderful and strong and patriotic they are it’s someone who didn’t do shit and feels insecure about it.

Sucks to suck guy. Sorry you guzzle the kool aid and feel personally attacked by an action taken against extremists. Kinda makes you look guilty.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
>1 y
SFC Thomas Foreman - I very much doubt anything you say at this point.. You can keep tooting your own horn all you want.. Don't even try to twist this around on me.. Only those like you who insult and disparage others service, usually turn out to be some shitbird that never made it out of boot or out of the country if that for their two year stint.. Oh and National Guard is not Active Military...

Those who have read your very comments already know who and what you are.. And while I don't know if SFC means specialist first class or serious fuckup clown, I do know one thing.. at least I am not a loser and on the losing side as you clearly are..

Why don't you toddle along now.. I have no more time for someone like you.. Maybe someday when you actually grow up, a real discussion can be had with the likes of you.. but I won't hold my breath.... by then you will probably be a general, medal of honor recipient, have taken down 100 terrorists by yourself with a spoon and asked have a movie about your life made...
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Suspended Profile
>1 y
PO1 Todd B. I thought you were done with me?

SFC stands for Sergeant First Class, in the navy that’s a Chief. Call me a loser if you wish but my LES says winner all the way.

Awwww big guy...are you sweet on me?
CPT Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
CPT (Join to see)
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PO1 Todd B. - SFC Thomas Foreman -
Let's let cooler minds prevail. On a side note a Soldier is subject to UCMJ during the duration of their contract. The only service members that are not subject to UCMJ are Reservists that are not in a duty status. If a service member goes off base and ingests a drug he is still subject to UCMJ when he is found with a positive drug test. This would be the same when a service member posts he supports attacking a political figure. He would be subject to UCMJ.

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