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Responses: 4
SrA Ronald Moore
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SFC Randy Hellenbrand
Edited >1 y ago
Command always has a better understanding when it is close to the action. No, we don't want them on the front line, but they need the feel of the ground and the understanding of the people.

The worst part is though, to my understanding anyway, 1/2 the regimes we support are dictatorships where the leaders should all be hung.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
When we support dictators there is a tacit understanding we support a leader who most likely has curtailed human rights. I will use West Papua New Guinea (WPNG) as an example. Indonesia is waging genocide in WPNG and the US gives military aid to Indonesia. Our military considers the insurgents in WPNG as the bad actors when in fact they are fighting for their freedom and their lives. The US can be very hypocritical.

Sometimes the countries are at fault for creating conditions ripe for insurgencies. The Niger Delta insurgency was born when the waters and lands of that region were polluted in the process of extracting oil. They could not fish nor farm. They are dirt poor and the government gives them no share of the oil revenues. These insurgents had legitimate grievances against the government.

The US Military has kicked around the various constructs of the movie Lawrence of Arabia. I believe an imperative and seminal facet shown in the movie is the main character's living amongst the people, working with the government and military, and learning from the culture to understand their ideology that has lead to war. The more understanding the better.
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