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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Quite an interesting read and piece of history brother SGT (Join to see)
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Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
One that got away!
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 3 y ago
Thank you my friend SGT (Join to see) for making us aware that on July 27, 1948 Nazi commando Otto Skorzeny escaped from an anti-Nazi camp in Darmstadt.

Otto Skorzeny: The Most Dangerous Man in Europe

1. Adolf Hitler shakes hands with his top commando, Otto Skorzeny
2. German SS Obersturmbannführer Otto Skorzeny speaking with troops, in Pomerania, Germany, Feb 1945
3. Otto Skorzeny, Harald Mors, and Benito Mussolini in front of Hotel Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso, Italy, 12 Sep 1943
4. Otto Skorzeny with his wife Emmi Linhart before the war.


Otto Skorzeny
Surname Skorzeny
Given Name Otto
Born 12 Jun 1908
Died 5 Jul 1975
Country Austria, Germany
Category Military-Ground
Gender Male

Contributor: C. Peter Chen

Otto Skorzeny was born into a relatively wealthy family in Vienna, Austria. In his memoir, regarding his school years, he noted "I recall that I found realistic subjects like mathematics, geometry, physics and chemistry quite easy, while I had to struggle with the foreign languages, French and English." He wanted to be an engineer like his father and brother, he added, thus he enrolled in the Technical University of Vienna starting in the fall of 1926. During the winter of 1928 to 1929, he took and passed his first state examinations. "The only political activity in which I participated during my school days was the official demonstration in favor of union with Germany", he noted in his memoir, but he did join a student organization that was soon absorbed into Heimwehr ("Home Guard"), which he said he was disappointed to see becoming a political party. In 1931, he received a degree in engineering and passed the final state examinations to be a certified engineer, quickly finding a job as a manager of a small building business.

In the summer of 1932, Skorzeny heard German Nazi Party leader Josef Goebbels speak at the Engelmann Arena in Vienna, which convinced him to join the Austrian branch of the Nazi Party at once. He admitted that his ferver soon died down, however, and did little in the following year. His membership in the Nazi Party expired in Jun 1933 as the party was banned by the Australian government. In the early 1930s, he claimed to have taken his honeymoon in the Abuzzi region of Italy, near Gran Sasso; it was to have importance later in his career. In 1935, he joined the German Gymnastic Association, which was a para-military organization. On the eve of the German annexation of Austria, Anschluß, in 1938, he led a small German Gymnastic Association contingent to protect President Wilhelm Miklas, claiming that this action could have avoided violent incidents during the German annexation; this action was his small entry onto the political stage, as he was noticed by Austrian Nazi Party leader Arthur Seyß-Inquart, who placed a small group of SS men under his command to bolster his contingent of German Gymnastic Association men, and effectively placed him in charge of all security in the presidential palace for several days. When conscription was introduced in Austria, now within German borders, instead of waiting for his conscription notice he went to the recruiting office requesting to join the German Air Force, Luftwaffe. When the European War began, he was on vacation at Lake Wörth, Austria.

Upon return to Vienna, Skorzeny was assigned to the Trost Barracks for training as a military engineer but on 3 Sep 1939 he was turned away due to the lack of instructors to train new recruits, all experienced men having been sent to the front lines in Poland. Skorzeny took the chance to ask to be transferred to flight service, but the request was rejected. Before long, suitable trainers were found, and he completed his engineer training. Shortly after he was posted to the Waffen-SS as an officer candidate in the Signal Replacement Regiment. Frustrated that he did not see any action in the first few months of the war, he used his connections in the Nazi Party to have himself transferred the Lichterfelde Barracks in Berlin, Germany, hoping that his new unit, 2nd Reserve Replacement Battalion of the 1st SS Division Leibstandarte, would see combat sooner. On 1 May 1940, he was promoted to the rank of Unterscharführer and was transferred to an artillery regiment of the 3rd SS Division Totenkopf as a mechanic. On 1 Sep 1940, he was promoted to the rank of Oberscharführer and was transferred to the 2nd SS Division Das Reich, stationed in the Langenhorn Barracks in Hamburg, Germany. He complained that his military career thus far was characterized as "We were busily chasing the war!" On 30 Jan 1941, he was promoted to the rank of Untersturmführer.

In Apr 1941, Skorzeny participated in the invasion of Yugoslavia. During the German invasion of the Soviet Union, he was sent to the front, but he did not see any direct combat as he was tasked with supervising mechanics to keep fighting vehicles in working order. On 26 Aug 1941, he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class for recovering a damaged vehicle under enemy fire at the Yelnya bridgehead. In Dec 1941, he was ill with stomach colic and was evacuated back to Germany in Jan 1942. While in Germany, he became an instructor of vehicle repairs in a SS replacement battalion. In Nov 1942, he was transferred to the newly-created armored regiment of the 3rd SS Division Totenkopf, again as a supervisor in a vehicle repair unit. On 28 Apr 1943, he was promoted to the rank of Hauptsturmführer and was given command of the Oranienburg Special Training Unit, which was the first attempt by the SS to create a commando unit. It was at this time that he began to study British espionage methods. He became greatly impressed with the British Sten submachine guns for the simple design and the cheap cost. He went as far as using fake radio communications (posing as French resistance fighters) and other deceptive methods to get one to reverse engineer. He recommended weapons of similar design to his superiors, but his efforts were not accepted.

On 26 Jul 1943, Adolf Hitler's office made a call to Skorzeny's office to discuss the rescue of Benito Mussolini, who had just been ousted in Italy and placed under arrest. Skorzeny missed the call as he was on the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin, drinking at Hotel Eden with a friend, something he was reputed to be doing fairly frequently (he would note in his memoir that he was "drinking war-time coffee" with the friend rather than alcohol, however). He was brought by a Ju 52 aircraft from Tempelhofer airfield in Berlin to Wolf's Lair in East Prussia, Germany to help plan the operation. As he met Hitler for the first time, he was surprised by Hitler's personal involvement, his seemingly personal attachment to Mussolini, and his Austrian accent. Skorzeny recalled Hitler speaking to him at the first meeting.

I have a very important commission for you. Mussolini, my friend and our loyal comrade in arms, was betrayed yesterday by his king and arrested by his own countrymen. I cannot and will not leave Italy's greatest son in the lurch. To me the Duce is the incarnation of the ancient grandeur of Rome. Italy under the new government will desert us! I will keep faith with my old ally and dear friend; he must be rescued promptly or he will be handed over to the Allies. I'm entrusting to you the execution of an undertaking which is of great importance to the future course of the war. You must do everything in our power to carry out this order; if you do, promotion will reward you!
Skorzeny's involvement in the operation was largely the selection of Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS, who chose him because of Skorzeny's fame as a dare devil. Because Skorzeny had little actual experience in such missions, he happily delegated large portions of the work to his subordinates, though he kept the intelligence gathering work to himself, thinking that it was the area in the planning stage where, if successful, he would gain the most fame. He personally arrived, with his military counterpart Kurt Student, at Rome, Italy on 28 Jul; his SS men arrived two days later. His intelligence gathering methods were poor due to his lack of experience. In early Aug, he was convinced that Mussolini was being kept at La Spezia, Italy, nearly launching an actual rescue mission there and ruined the entire operation. Later in mid-Aug, he got lucky in learning of Mussolini being at the Villa Weber at La Maddalena from a grocer, but he failed to act in time, and Mussolini was moved to Lake Bracciano northwest of Rome on 28 Aug. While at La Maddalena, he conducted an aerial reconnaissance mission in a He 111 aircraft; it was shot down by British fighters, resulting in three broken ribs.

Skorzeny met with Hitler again in late Aug. Hitler said to him

If the enterprise fails for any reason, it may be that I shall have publicly to disavow your action. I should then say that you had concocted an insane plan with the commanders on the spot and acted without authority. You must be prepared to be thrown over in the interest of our cause and for Germany's sake!
During the rescue operation, Skorzeny landed at Campo Imperatore at Gran Sasso and led a charge toward the building. What followed was a nearly laughable attempt at an entry into the building, having first bashed into a room that did not lead into the hotel, followed by being frustrated with Italians blocking the entrance simply by stashing furniture behind the front door. Ultimately, nevertheless, the Germans overwhelmed the Italians without firing a gunshot and extricated Mussolini. Heinrich Himmler used this as propaganda to bolster the military value of the SS organization, and Skorzeny gladly found himself at the center of attention. He earned the Knight's Cross award for the successful rescue; "You have performed a military feat which will become part of history", said Hitler to Skorzeny. "You have given me back my friend Mussolini. I have awarded you the Knight's Cross and promoted you to Sturmbannführer. Heartiest congratulations!"

In May 1944, the SS attempted a similar mission to Yugoslavia, this time to capture the partisan leader Josip Tito. Skorzeny failed this attempt with Tito escaping in the nick of time; this failed operation led to serious casualties in the SS-Fallschirmjäger Battalion. Many of his other commando missions failed as well, including a plan to kidnap Free French leader Charles de Gaulle and another plan to assassinate Allied leaders during the Tehran Conference.

On 20 Jul 1944, Skorzeny was on a train heading out of Berlin when the assassination attempt on Hitler's life took place. While the train made a regular stop at Anhalt station, which was the last before leaving the Berlin metropolitan area, a junior officer alerted him to the plot, and Skorzeny headed back into the city. In Berlin, he visited Lichterfelde Barracks and various other locations and played a small role in calming officers to not escalate incidents; in his words, he was working to avoid the plot from turning into a civil war.

In Aug 1944, Skorzeny was assigned to plan the destruction of bridges at Basle, Switzerland in case the Allies invaded the neutral country for a southern entrance into Germany. Shortly after, he conducted an infiltration of German factories and placed mock explosives that would have destroyed the plants; he used the experience to show factory managers how to properly secure the grounds against saboteurs. In Sep 1944, his men located the missing battle group under Lieutenant Colonel Scherhorn north of Minsk, Byelorussia; he sent men to reinforce the battle group in an attempt to eventually break the group out, but the attempt ultimately failed.

The only successful commando operation that he was involved in after the rescue of Mussolini was the kidnapping of Hungarian leader Miklós Horthy's son Miklós Horthy, Jr. on 15 Oct 1944, a mission he described as an action-packed gun fight that he personally participated from the thinly-protected position behind an open car door; while attempting to extricate Miklós Horthy, Jr., he ran across Hungarian troops, but he was able to bluff his way through. Later on the same day, he led a small unit in the attack on Castle Hill in Budapest, Hungary; while this assault was a joint operation, as usual he claimed a large share of the credit for the SS, downplaying the involvement of rival branches.

When Hitler gambled with his major offensive across the Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge), Skorzeny was selected to head up Operation Grief, an operation that focused on disrupting Allied intelligence and transportation. Skorzeny questioned Hitler's decision to have the commandos don captured Allied uniforms, but Hitler claimed that he had been informed that American troops had been doing so while fighting in the Aachen, Germany area. In early Dec, Hitler ordered Skorzeny to not personally participate in the attack. During the operation, paratroopers under his command pinned several Allied units in the rear, contributing greatly to the initial confusion among Allied ranks. With Skorzeny's reputation as a daring commando, even Dwight Eisenhower was advised by his security detail to travel with an excessive guard force in fear that Skorzeny would send a team to kidnap or assassinate him. As the German military might dwindled, the need for commando missions also diminished, thus Skorzeny was assigned back to lead a conventional unit at Schwedt on the Oder on the Eastern Front, which was bypassed by the advancing enemy troops, and he saw little action. He was relieved from this command on 28 Feb. In mid-Mar 1945, he was given another chance to lead a commando operation, this time to destroy the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen, Germany; nothing resulted from his planning.

ww2dbaseOn 9 Apr 1945, Skorzeny was awarded Oak Leaves to his Knight's Cross for his loyalty. On 10 Apr, he briefly observed the fighting in Vienna, Austria. Not long after being rewarded for being loyal, however, he fled under the pretense of travelling to Bavaria to set up Werwolf resistance groups while Himmler had already canceled Werwolf plans prior to Skorzeny's departure. He hid in a Bavarian cottage until he surrendered to the Allies after the European War ended.

After the war, Skorzeny was tried for his deceptions during the Battle of the Bulge. It was argued that, by having his troops wearing Allied uniforms, he was violating the laws of war. He was acquitted based on two major arguments. The weaker argument, but equally effective on his defense, was that the British special agents were known to have worn German uniforms on their missions as well, and the trial's prosecution did not wish to venture into setting a precedence for the trial of British personnel. The main reason for the acquittal of Skorzeny and other accused Germans was the vague nature of the law of war itself. International Law, Vol. II, paragraph 163 noted that it was illegal to engage in combat while display enemy flag or uniforms with the intention to confuse the enemy. However, the rules for wearing enemy uniforms were not clear when in non-combat situations, and Skorzeny's defense leveraged the fact that when actual combat took place, Skorzeny's men either took off the American uniforms or were visibly wearing German paratrooper overalls over the American uniforms. Treatise on International Law even stated that it was "perfectly legitimate to use the distinctive emblem of an enemy in order to escape from him or draw his forces into action", which helped the defense as well.

After the acquittal, Skorzeny remained in prison; part of the time he spent in captivity, between Dec 1947 and Feb 1948, he helped American military historians record events of the war from a German perspective, particularly regarding to the rescue of Mussolini. He escaped from prison on 27 Jul 1948 and made his way to Spain where Francisco Franco granted him a safe haven. He was granted amnesty by the German government in 1952, declaring admittance to the mistakes of his past, including the abandonment of his Nazi ideals. He became a military and engineering consultant to several governments around the world, including secretly being the liaison between President Juan Perón of Argentina and the German manufacturing firm Fried. Krupp. Skorzeny passed away in Madrid, Spain a very wealthy man.

Robert Forczyk, Rescuing Mussolini: Gran Sasso 1943
William Manchester, The Arms of Krupp
Robert Merriam, Battle of the Bulge (Dark December)
Otto Skorzeny, Skorzeny's Special Missions
United States Congress, "Law Reports of Trials of War Criminals"

Last Major Revision: Jul 2011

Otto Skorzeny Timeline

12 Jun 1908 Otto Skorzeny was born.
3 Sep 1939 Otto Skorzeny was sent home from Trost Barracks, Vienna, Austria despite the outbreak of war due to the lack of instructors to train new recruits.
1 May 1940 Otto Skorzeny was promoted to the rank of Unterscharführer.
1 Sep 1940 Otto Skorzeny was promoted to the rank of Oberscharführer and was transferred to the 2nd SS Division "Das Reich".
18 Dec 1940 Otto Skorzeny departed the Netherlands for northern France as a member of 2nd SS Division "Das Reich".
30 Jan 1941 Otto Skorzeny was promoted to the rank of Untersturmführer; he would not receive the notification for this promotion until Mar 1941, however.
26 Aug 1941 Otto Skorzeny was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class medal for recovering a damaged vehicle under enemy fire at the bridgehead in Yelnya, Russia.
28 Apr 1943 Otto Skorzeny was promoted to the rank of Hauptsturmführer and was given command of the commandos of the Oranienburg Special Training Unit.
26 Jul 1943 Adolf Hitler called for Otto Skorzeny to discuss the rescue of Benito Mussolini, but Skorzeny missed the initial call as he was drinking with a friend at Hotel Eden on the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin, Germany.
28 Jul 1943 Otto Skorzeny arrived in Rome, Italy and visited Albert Kesselring at the Tusculum II villa outside of the city.
18 Aug 1943 Otto Skorzeny conducted an aerial reconnaissance mission over La Maddalena, Italy. His He 111 aircraft was shot down by British fighters. Skorzeny survived the crash, but suffered three broken ribs.
20 Aug 1943 Otto Skorzeny returned to mainland Italy after being shot down by British fighters two days prior.
15 Sep 1943 Otto Skorzeny flew from Munich, Germany to East Prussia, Germany; on the same flight were Ambassador Dörnberg and Ernst Kaltenbrunner.
16 Sep 1943 Otto Skorzeny was awarded the Gold Flying Badge by Hermann Göring at Wolf's Lair, East Prussia, Germany. Upon receiving the award, he requested the Knight's Cross to be awarded to his men Captain Gerlach and Lieutenant Meyer.
26 Sep 1943 Otto Skorzeny presented three Knight's Cross medals at the Harvest Thanksgiving festival at the Berlin Sportpalast in Germany. In the early afternoon, he had lunch with Joseph Goebbels and his family.
2 Dec 1943 Otto Skorzeny, who had been stationed in Paris, France due to the threat of Marshal Philippe Pétain leaving for North Africa, was ordered to leave the city as that threat was proven to be false.
25 Dec 1943 Otto Skorzeny and his family vacationed at Zurs on the Arlberg, Austria.
18 Oct 1944 Otto Skorzeny escorted Hungarian leader Miklós Horthy to Schloss Hirschberg in Franken, Germany via a special train.
20 Oct 1944 Otto Skorzeny arrived in Berlin, Germany.
21 Oct 1944 Otto Skorzeny arrived at Wolfsschanze in East Prussia, Germany.
22 Oct 1944 In an one-on-one conversation between Adolf Hitler and Otto Skorzeny, Skorzeny narrated the kidnapping of Miklós Horthy, Jr. and the attack on Castle Hill in Budapest, Hungary on 15 Oct 1944. Later in the same conversation, Hitler revealed to Skorzeny the plans for the Ardennes Offensive and asked him to plan a commando operation behind enemy lines in captured uniforms. When questioned the legal concerns of wearing enemy uniforms, Hitler told him that German intelligence informed him that the Americans had done the same in the Aachen, Germany area. Hitler ordered Skorzeny to have complete the planning by 2 Dec 1944.
14 Dec 1944 Otto Skorzeny took command of German Armored Brigade 150.
31 Dec 1944 Otto Skorzeny arrived at Wolfsschanze in East Prussia, Germany. He received care for his wounded left eye from Hitler's personal doctor Stumpfecker. Later in the day, he reported to Hitler regarding his commando mission during the Ardennes Offensive. As he departed, Wilhelm Keitel invited him to remain to join the rest of the German leaders for the New Year's celebration, but Skorzeny declined, opting to re-join his men in Cologne, Germany instead.
1 Jan 1945 Otto Skorzeny departed Cologne, Germany to return to the field headquarters of German Armored Brigade 150.
30 Jan 1945 Otto Skorzeny was ordered to join the Army Group Vistula on the Eastern Front.
28 Feb 1945 Otto Skorzeny was ordered to depart from Army Group Vistula and to return to Berlin, Germany.
31 Mar 1945 Otto Skorzeny was ordered to go to the "Alpine Fortress".
10 Apr 1945 Otto Skorzeny visited Field Marshal Ferdinand Schörner's headquarters in Silesia in occupied Poland.
15 May 1945 Otto Skorzeny requested the local American officers a staff car, in which he would travel to the Americans field headquarters to surrender. As a prisoner, he was taken to Salzburg, Austria in an armored car with a heavy escort.
21 Jun 1945 Otto Skorzeny was interrogated by three Allied Generals regarding his role in the Ardennes Offensive in Wiesbaden, Germany.
22 Jun 1945 Otto Skorzeny was transferred from a makeshift prison cell to the city jail of Wiesbaden, Germany.
30 Jul 1945 Otto Skorzeny was transferred from Wiesbaden, Germany to the former Luftwaffe camp at Oberursel.
10 Sep 1945 Otto Skorzeny was transferred from Wiesbaden, Germany to Nuremberg, Germany; he traveled by aircraft with other top former German leaders.
21 Nov 1945 Otto Skorzeny was transferred to the witness wing at Nuremberg, Germany.
25 Jul 1948 Otto Skorzeny revealed to fellow prisoners that he was planning on escaping.
28 Jul 1948 Otto Skorzeny escaped from captivity.
5 Jul 1975 Otto Skorzeny passed away."

FYI COL Mikel J. Burroughs SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D GySgt Thomas Vick SGT Denny Espinosa LTC (Join to see)Maj Bill Smith, Ph.D. MAJ Dale E. Wilson, Ph.D. PO2 (Join to see) SSG Franklin Briant SPC Michael Terrell SFC Chuck Martinez CSM Charles HaydenMSgt James Clark-Rosa 1SG Dan Capri MGySgt (Join to see) SFC Ralph E Kelley LTC Greg Henning LTC Jeff Shearer
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
How Otto Skorzeny went from being Hitler’s Bodyguard to an Israeli Agent - That Really Happened? #3
'The life of Otto Skorzeny is one shrouded in mystery and questions, so many of his motives remain unclear and he seemed to be working for both sides at once, on the one hand helping fellow SS officers escape to Latin America but on the other hand, killing Nazi officials hiding out on behalf of Mossad.

1. Former Nazi hero Otto Skorzeny sits in his office in Madrid, Spain
2. Otto Skorzeny in prison, Nuremberg, Germany, 24 Nov 1945
3. Otto Skorzeny in Madrid
4. Otto Skorzeny (left) and Juan Perón (center).

Mossad's hiring of a Nazi killer can teach us how to deal with Islamic State
As threats of Islamist attacks on the West grow, we can learn from a secret service willing to hire and control its fiercest adversary.
By Emma Barnett

Neo-Nazi and Islamic fundamentalist cells may be sprouting up throughout 21st century Europe. But what of Adolf Hitler's henchmen immediately after the war? Well, it seems one of the Fuhrer's favourites did an amazing volte-face.
The tale of Otto Skorzeny, a notorious SS officer known as "Hitler's commando", was already astonishing. A strapping 1.93 metres, this Reich Adonis, adorned with university fencing scars running down his left cheek, was handpicked to rescue Mussolini from captivity in 1942 in a glider raid on a remote ski resort, which he accomplished without a shot being fired. A Nazi hero was born.
After the war, however, he knew he was a dead man walking. Especially with the indefatigable Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal in hot pursuit. So how on earth did this uber Hitlerite live to the age of 67, dying in comfort in Madrid in 1975? Simple. He started working for Mossad.
It's just come to light from his superior, 89-year-old Rafi Eitan, that Skorzeny was hired in 1962 by Israel's renowned secret service and killed a fellow former Nazi and wartime scientist, Heinz Krug, who was developing Egypt's strategic missile programme.
The appointment of a man who specifically facilitated the mass murder of tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews in 1944 to help secure the world's only Jewish state will not sit easy with some. But who better than your vilest enemy to do your dirty work?
The very fact that Hitler's henchmen were aiding the likes of Egypt to obliterate Israel, a state born out of the Holocaust, just years after perpetrating genocide against the same group, is barely remembered today.
A young Israel couldn't afford to leave a stone unturned, even if that meant taming a top Nazi to destroy former colleagues hell-bent on killing more Jews. Same mission; different postcode.
This meticulous attention to detail, this focus on the ends above the means, has resulted in Israel not only becoming a military power to be reckoned with, but a cyber sleuth too. When Apple refused to unlock the San Bernardino terrorist's phone earlier this month, the FBI turned to an Israeli company for the service.
Ruthless doesn't quite cover Israel's modus operandi to survive. We don't know the half of how its government used and abused Nazis immediately after the war to achieve its raison d'etre: the safety of its people (the majority of whom had reached its shores through unimaginable persecution).
You couldn't make up Otto Skorzeny's life. A man who aided the murder of thousands of Jews, ends up defending the state his actions helped forge from the ashes of war-torn Europe. I hope Steven Spielberg has snapped up the film rights.
Like or loathe Israel, there are lessons its officials are uniquely placed to teach the world about defending itself from a faceless enemy within. As Islamic State terrorists infiltrate European bars, airports and train tunnels, Western authorities could do worse than learn from a secret service willing to hire and, crucially, control, its fiercest adversary.
The Telegraph, London

FYI PO1 William "Chip" Nagel SSG Paul HeadleeCPL Douglas ChryslerSSG Michael Noll Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SPC Michael Oles SRTSgt George RodriguezPO3 Charles StreichSGT (Join to see)SGT David A. 'Cowboy' GrothSFC (Join to see)SGT Steve McFarland CSM (Join to see) SPC Nancy Greene TSgt David L.PO1 H Gene LawrencePO2 Frederick DunnBrad Miller CPT Gurinder (Gene) Rana CPO Arthur Weinberger
LTC Stephen F.
LTC Stephen F.
3 y
Ireland's Nazis, Episode Two: Otto 'Scarface' Skorzeny (2007)
Winner of the Globe Gold Award (Documentary section) at the Intermedia World Media Festival in Hamburg, this two part series sees RAF veteran Cathal O'Shannon uncover the truth about the war criminals and collaborators who found refuge in Ireland in the years after World War 2.
In Programme Two, Cathal O'Shannon investigates how the cold war opened new channels for Nazis seeking sanctuary here. He tells the story of 'the most dangerous man in Europe' and Hitler's favourite soldier - Otto "Scarface" Skorzeny, a James Bond figure who famously rescued Mussolini from a mountaintop fortress. Skorzeny was feted by the Dublin social glitterati, even hobnobbing with a future Taoiseach. He also looks at Helmut Clissmann, the man tasked by the Nazis to recruit the IRA for their war against Britain. Cathal moves on to investigate the Flemish nationalists who became Nazi collaborators - men like Albert Folens, who went on to become a successful publisher of Irish schoolbooks, Albert Luykx, who fled justice in Belgium and later conspired with Charles Haughey and Neil Blaney to import arms for the IRA, and Staf Van Velthoven, the last surviving of 'Ireland's Nazis'.

1. Otto Skorzeny with two of his Irish gardeners
2. Otto Skorzeny became an gentleman farmer in Ireland.
3. Otto Skorzeny with his wife Ilse Luthje, the 'Countess' Fincke von Finckenstein
4. Otto Skorzeny with his wife Ilse von Finckenstein and their daughter Waltraut in their property 'Martinstown House

Background from {[https://www.irishcentral.com/roots/history/otto-skorzeny-hitlers-henchman-irish-farmer]}
How Hitler’s henchman became an Irish farmer after the war
Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny was welcomed with open arms in Ireland, but remained unrepentant of his war crimes.
Irish Central Staff @IrishCentral, Apr 26, 2017
A notorious Nazi, known as “Hitler’s favorite commando” and “the most dangerous man in Europe,” Otto Skorzeny lived a peaceful life in a mansion on a 160-acre farm in County Kildare 14 years after the end of World War II.
Not an easy man to miss, Skorzeny stood 6 foot 4 inches tall and weighed 250lbs. And he was known as “Scarface” for a reason. He had a long, distinctive scar on his left cheek. Skorzeny achieved 'fame' during the war for rescuing deposed Italian leader Benito Mussolini from an Italian hilltop fortress.
Skorzeny was depicted in the Irish press as the Third Reich's 'Scarlet Pimpernel,' the tone in newspaper articles was one of admiration rather than repulsion.
"He seemed to be admired for his military prowess," according to the BBC reported in 2016.

Skorzeny was an elite soldier and he traveled the world training military and opportunists in guerrilla warfare techniques after the war. He was a businessman and a one-time bodyguard to Eva Peron. In 1957 he was greeted as a celebrity in Ireland and became, for all intents and purposes, a gentleman farmer with a large estate in The Curragh in County Kildare.
According to the BBC report, the British authorities drew the line at Skorzeny entering the United Kingdom and the Irish leaders grew increasingly concerned that he was engaging in “anti-Semitic activities” in Ireland. He was unable to obtain a permanent Irish visa and moved back to Spain, which was still ruled by the fascist Francisco Franco. He lived there until he died of cancer in 1975, aged 67.
Born in Vienna in 1908, Skorzeny joined the Austrian Nazi party in the early 1930s. At the outbreak of the war, he was involved in fighting on the Eastern Front, taking part in the German invasions of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.
By April 1943 he had been made the head of German special forces, in charge of a unit of elite SS commandos.

Skorzeny’s unbelievable story is made all the more shocking because the former Nazi SS storm trooper remained unapologetic and showed no remorse for his actions following the war. He was tried for war crimes in 1947 but was acquitted.
He was a pioneer of what is now known as special operations warfare and in the early 1950s, he served as an adviser to the Egyptian dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser, training his army in guerrilla tactics. During this period he also trained Palestinian refugees in these tactics and was the mastermind behind the early terrorist raids into the newly re-established state of Israel. Among his trainees was Yasser Arafat, who later became the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization and for much of the 1960s and 1970s was the world’s most prominent terrorist.
His exploits were followed by the media and, on the back of this friendly publicity, Skorzeny traveled to Madrid, Spain, where he ran an import-export business. This was believed to be a front for shuttling escaped Nazi war criminals to Argentina.
For many years Skorzeny lived in Argentina and served as a bodyguard to Eva Peron, wife of the Argentine dictator Juan Peron. It is rumored that he had a romantic affair with her.

Why Hitler's henchman was welcomed in Ireland
In July 1957 he traveled to Dublin where he was met with a gala reception by members of Parliament and celebrities. Following his warm welcome, he purchased Martinstown House, the 160-acre farm estate in The Curragh, County Kildare.
Kim Bielenberg, a Dublin-based journalist whose own grandfather, Fritz von der Schulenburg, was captured and tortured by Skorzeny due to his involvement in a plot to kill Hitler, reflected on his Dublin welcome. He told the BBC, "He was feted by the Dublin social glitterati, including a young politician, Charles Haughey, who was later to become Ireland's most controversial prime minister."
According to the Evening Press account, 'the ballroom was packed with representatives of various societies, professional men and, of course, several TDs [parliamentary representatives]'.”
Bielenberg believes this warm reception prompted the Nazi war criminal to buy the Kildare estate.
He continued, “He could be seen driving across the Curragh in a white Mercedes and would visit the local post office for groceries.
"Reggie Darling, a local historian, told me he remembered coming across Skorzeny on the Curragh.
"He recalled him as a big man who stood out because of the scar across his face (which was the result of a dueling contest as a student), but that he wasn't particularly friendly and he didn't really mix with local people.”
Skorzeny was allowed temporary visas to stay in Ireland under the proviso that he would not travel to Britain.
However, in post-World War II Europe the specter of Nazism and the fear they would once again rise to power caused concern.
Former Irish Minister for Health Noel Browne raised concerns over Skorzeny’s "anti-Semitic activities" in the Dail (Parliament) in 1959.
On another occasion, he said, “It is generally understood that this man plays some part (in neo-Nazi activities) and if so, he should not be allowed to use Ireland for that purpose."
When questioned about his affiliation Skorzeny denied any involvement in Nazi activity. However, upon his death, his coffin was draped in the Nazi flag by his cohorts.

Other Nazis who fled to Ireland after World War II
He was not the only high-profile Nazi to sojourn in Ireland. Albert Folens and Helmut Clissman also came to Ireland. The 2007 RTE documentary “In Hidden History: Ireland's Nazis” estimates that between 100 and 200 Nazis moved to Ireland. It’s believed that Ireland’s anti-British sentiment led to the war criminals receiving a warmer welcome than they ought to have.
Bielenberg added, "They must have felt reasonably welcome, and were probably left alone, or even feted, as Skorzeny was. I am not sure that the full horror of Nazi atrocities had sunk in in Ireland.
"There also may have been an attitude among certain nationalists that 'my enemy's enemy is my friend'. Irish attitudes to Nazis changed from the 1970s on, as issues such as the Holocaust entered the public consciousness."

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