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Responses: 12
SFC Michael Hasbun
Edited 3 y ago
How dare he break with the longstanding tradition of Presidents personally leading strike teams during periods of foreign strife? I guess?
Not sure what the president of "not Afghanistan" is supposed to be doing to resolve an Afghan issue other than order in troops, which he has already done, but ok...
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
3 y
SFC (Join to see) -I'm not sure what it it you think he was going to do other than order the evacuation.
Are you upset that Biden wasn't flying the helicopters? Was he supposed to form a crack team of armed politicians and invade Afghanistan, like a geriatric team of Expendables?
What kind of masturbatory, Lliam Neeson'esque fantasy are you picturing?
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
SFC Michael Hasbun - I believed there was a mobile edit and I just didn't know how to use it. :)
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
SFC Michael Hasbun - Sarcasm during a national crisis, where a nation of people is going to be tortured and killed or enslaved, afterward Sharia Law will be imposed, is very unbecoming. This is more than a black eye for our nation. It will take us +20 years to recover from. I probably will not see it.

In reality I have been upset for several months now because anyone with 2 eyes saw this coming a long time ago. When the Taliban broke the agreement and started taking ground some time ago. That was the time to recognize there is no agreement anymore and push back the Taliban with force. The Progressive Socialist Democrats have a history of not being willing to adjust their actions when someone takes advantage of them: like when Iran broke their agreement the Obama. I just can’t understand this unwillingness to take action when someone does you wrong. It seems the only action they can take is to lie on our Congress Floor about Trump being an agent for Russia, among other things. It appears Democrats only attack their own Country. Do you think the rest of the world doesn’t see this? Like I said it will take our Country +20 years to live down this shame. Mark my words. MHO
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
3 y
SFC Michael Hasbun Really, there are 10,000 Americans hoping to get evacuated before they get slaughtered and you say "This no longer has anything to do with us". If you were one of those 10,000 would you feel the same way?
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SGT Unit Supply Specialist
SFC (Join to see) ... and your point is? Would you prefer he was on a golf course like 45 spent most of his time. At least he wasn't organizing a bunch of Insurrectionist like 45 did to attact the Capital Building.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
SGT (Join to see) - Quote for the article: The US and Nato allies have agreed to withdraw all troops within 14 months "if the militants uphold the deal".

Well now there's a new sheriff in town who has to enforce agreements and oversee our nation’s wellbeing, President Biden. The only problem is he’s either unwilling or unable to discern when an agreement has been broken, find a new solution, and protect US interests. If it’s the Taliban now, or Iran years ago violating the agreement in place, the agreement is over. Any sane person understands that… but not our President, and it appears not you either. We see it differently, we will have to agree to disagree.
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
3 y
You assume quite poorly. I don’t think the deal has been upheld. For the record, perhaps you could explain to the group what the four major interrelated elements of the agreement were? Lots of folks here are discussing this agreement, but I don’t think many of them know what was in it.

Anyway, Biden can’t just scrap the deal, but he should, but he can’t. It’s an un winnable situation for him.
The deal that the previous Administration negotiated was god awful dogsh*t. It depends on our forces and the threat of our force as leverage to compel the Taliban to negotiate. (Which the barely did, even with the threat of the use of that force while we drawed down).

The Taliban doesn’t want to negotiate with the Afghan government. They would say/do just about anything to get us to leave. And I’m guessing they’ll be on semi-good behavior for a little while after we leave, to keep up appearances. And then they’ll start to regress.

Of course the administration knows that the deal isn’t being adhered to 100%. The biggest short is on the point of a permanent cease fire. But that’s because of the second biggest short in the deal; the two sides aren’t really having intraafghan talks.
What would you have Biden do, recommit 50000 joes for another 10 years? That’s a finger in the dyke. Unless we send 1000000 for 30, this isn’t really something we’re going to win.

On this issue, Biden was handed a car with electrical problems, it leaks all the fluids, the ac doesn’t work, the windshield is cracked, the brakes squeal, the interior is stained....and now his new girlfriend is telling him to fix it for $50.
Unwinnable situation.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
3 y
Right, another accomplishment for him as he destroyed our Country's credibility with the world. Try the impossible of listing Biden's major accomplishments rather than criticizing Trump.
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
SPC Michael Duricko, Ph.D
3 y
MSgt (Join to see) He also used to work 12 to 18 hour days. How many hours does Biden spend working for the American people?
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CWO3 Us Marine
Less than 4 more years to blame Biden. All the floods, fires, famines, diseases, US economy and wars are his fault by inheritance, right? What happened to "take out UBL and return to base" now that 20 years have passed? The Ranger Company requested by CIA at Tora Bora was refused by Bush. Then we went back to Iraq, for what reason? Mission creep in support of the military-industrial complex.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
3 y
Closer to the topic:
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
3 y
One thing I did learn was that President Obama played golf left handed, (which I also do) and does play fairly well and often. I'm relay not concerned about Him or any other President, current or past playing golf and one of the few outlets they may have to relax even for a little while.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
3 y
No inheritance issues for President’s sir. They make the rules and have to abide those agreements that are in place, when one side breaks the agreement the new sheriff in town (in this case Biden) has to figure out a new way. This is something that Progressives are historically very bat at in my opinion.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
3 y
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter - Totally agree they need some R&R. The stress of that position shows on the before/after photo faces of any POTUS. We've had some manage World Wars. It's an understatement that there was little turnover between previous and existing NCA. POTUS Biden can never erase this part of History. It's on his watch. Just bring our folks home and hope for no loss of life. Hopeful "military adventure' will be well-thought in the future. Re: Afghan, it takes a dedicated and responsive partner to make COIN work.
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