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Responses: 9
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
You know that they say about your decisions have consequences? His did! There is plenty of documentation that having had Covid doesn't provide thd level of antibodies that even one vaccination does. Get the vaccination, quit listening to misinformation and you might qualify for the next kidney that comes along..
MSgt Operations Intelligence
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>1 y
Sgt Self Employed
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MSgt (Join to see) - Some will regard certain science only as "misinformation." Why do you think they choose to ignore the latest study out of Johns Hopkins on the lockdowns?
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
>1 y
COVID has nothing to do with this crap...he needs a kidney, give him the kidney...are we going to stop giving organs to those that need them that haven't had the flu shot (WHICH KILLS hundreds of thousands EVERY YEAR), or they didn't get the Hep A or Typhoid or because their Tetanus is out of date? Where is the line? Where is this going to end? This is a very slippery slope to go down. Vaccinated people are getting COVID everyday...the shot only helps you endure it...doesn't prevent the spread or you catching it...this is utter BS...This guy needs a kidney and he should get the dang kidney.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
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The CDC study’s main takeaway "clearly shows" that vaccination is the safest form of protection against COVID-19, and it provides additional protection for people who have already been infected, Dr. Erica Pan, state epidemiologist for the California Department of Public Health, told PolitiFact.

"It shows that people who remain unvaccinated are at the greatest risk of hospitalization and death," she said. "Outside of this (CDC) study, recent data on the highly contagious omicron variant shows that getting a booster provides significant additional protection against infection, hospitalization and death."

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SFC Michael Hasbun
Organ transplant protocols exist for a reason. You made yourself a poor candidate through your own decisions. Freedom to make choices also means having to accept the consequences of those decisions.

Welcome to freedom.
MSgt Operations Intelligence
MSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
Well Gregory, it is Hypocrats. And it is not a waste of organs. Do your research. And I do not care if you are the grammar police or not.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
>1 y
COVID has nothing to do with this crap...he needs a kidney, give him the kidney...are we going to stop giving organs to those that need them that haven't had the flu shot (WHICH KILLS hundreds of thousands EVERY YEAR), or they didn't get the Hep A or Typhoid or because their Tetanus is out of date? Where is the line? Where is this going to end? This is a very slippery slope to go down. Vaccinated people are getting COVID everyday...the shot only helps you endure it...doesn't prevent the spread or you catching it...this is utter BS...This guy needs a kidney and he should get the dang kidney.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Well Tommy, at least now we know why you like Trump.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
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Capt Gregory Prickett
“I was born free,” Carswell told the TV station. “I will die free. I’m not changing my mind.”

And he's not getting a transplant based on long-standing protocols on transplants and vaccinations. His choice, but the hospital is under no obligation to waste a donor kidney on someone who isn't vaccinated.
SP5 Dennis Dorsey
SP5 Dennis Dorsey
>1 y
So when he pass's away, I will not fell one bit sorry for him. He had the chance and threw it away.
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth
>1 y
COVID has nothing to do with this crap...he needs a kidney, give him the kidney...are we going to stop giving organs to those that need them that haven't had the flu shot (WHICH KILLS hundreds of thousands EVERY YEAR), or they didn't get the Hep A or Typhoid or because their Tetanus is out of date? Where is the line? Where is this going to end? This is a very slippery slope to go down. Vaccinated people are getting COVID everyday...the shot only helps you endure it...doesn't prevent the spread or you catching it...this is utter BS...This guy needs a kidney and he should get the dang kidney.
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
Lt Col Scott Shuttleworth - Actually they don't get a transplant if they refuse the flu shot either. This isn't a policy that was invented recently, it's been that way for several decades. You follow the protocol, which includes all vaccines, or they don't give you the transplant. We should waste the kidney on someone who doesn't do what is needed.
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