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Responses: 2
MAJ Ken Landgren
Edited >1 y ago
Oh, for petes sake. These are freedom fighters just like our militia in the Revolutionary War. Trump makes $6 on each MAGA hat sold, but he is of the same ilk as George Washington. Trump is a military genius and has the same feathers as Patton, if only he had no bone spurs. He has a right to be angry and upset. The federal courts are biased.

Seriously, the noose is tightening on Trump. He won’t run again. All the signs point to him.
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MAJ Byron Oyler
To bad Congress does not care about black neighborhoods and black lives during the riots of 2020 like they do 6 JAN.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
Too bad you cannot address the topic rather than diverting.
This guy conspired to overthrow the legally elected President of the United States! Is that ok with you?
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
>1 y
MSG Stan Hutchison It is sad you do not understand Biden was elected President by the states and the event on 6 Jan was ceremonially and if everyone there died it would not have changed that. Maybe this idiot thought it would change something but it would not have changed a thing.
MSG Stan Hutchison
MSG Stan Hutchison
>1 y
MAJ Byron Oyler - I know that, but apparently this guy, as well as Trump did mot.
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